ODM Daily 13 December 2023 – NEVER GIVE YOUR GOLD TO SWINE!

ODM Daily 13 December 2023


Our Daily Manna
Our Daily Manna


Years ago, I was watching a T.V. programme (THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL) on nature and inventions during one of my trips to the USA. I was moved by the great ideas that has led to great discoveries that are blessings to the world today! Then the Lord said, “Son, Ideas rule the world.”

ODM Daily 13 December 2023 – NEVER GIVE YOUR GOLD TO SWINE!

In this last quarter of 2023, God will put GREAT IDEAS in your heart that will end up blessing you and humanity! THAT IS WHY YOU MUST LEARN TO BE QUIET!

In the 19th century, most farms in the south of the USA relied on cotton or tobacco as their sole crops. However, this “single-crop focus” was destroying nutrients that were never replaced.

George Washington Carver, born into sla- very in the early 1860s, made it his life’s mission to reform south- ern agriculture. He realised that with peanuts and a few other crops putting nitrogen back into the soil, protein badly needed in many southern diets would be supplied. So he set to work finding uses for them.

He found more than 300, including peanut butter. When he started, peanuts weren’t even considered a crop in the south. Fifty years later, they were second only to cotton and a huge industry had been created around his ideas on how to use them. But again – ANOTHER GREAT MISTAKE WAS MADE – he didn’t patent them. Hear him: “God gave these discoveries to me; how can I sell them to someone else?” But others used his ideas to grow the agricultural world and MADE BILLIONS of dollars therein!

As you go through life, handle your dreams/ideas seri- ously. According to today’s Word, the treasure of darkness and hidden riches of secrets places are yours (Isaiah 45:3). Whatever you touch shall turn to gold. But NEVER GIVE YOUR GOLD TO SWINE (See Matthew 7: 6).

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.

  1. My God and my Father, release Your power and erase every
    impossibility that has crippled my life in Jesus name.
  2. Oh Lord, I determine that as I go through life, I shall never give my
    gold to swine! I shall not toy or joke with any GOD-GIVEN IDEA
    (Pray it seriously now).
  3. Pray in Tongues seriously today and loose RESTORATION
    of all you lost in your past.
  4. Pray about today and give God praise for answered prayers!

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