ODM Daily August 2020 Day 24 – WHY HE SAT ON THE STONE!

ODM Daily August 2020 Day 24



Matthew 28:2 says. “And, beholds, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.” Wow! Glory to God! I call it, “OPERATION NO SHAKING” Why did the angel sit on the stone? He was not panicking! He was relaxed as he sat SHOWING THAT HE WAS A MASTER OF THE SITUATION! But by that act, he was also telling the world that JEHOVAH GOD IS STILL IN FULL CONTROL of seen and unseen events! HE IS THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE!

Yes! He was telling the world that despite all the earthquakes, darkness and shocking news of dead bodies coming back to life all over the city, etc, GOD WAS IN CONTROL! Use today’s devotional to be reminded that your battles do not make God to PANIC because He knows your END from your BEGINNING! Isaiah 43:21 affirms: “This people have I formed for My sake, they shall praise Me.” Note: THEY SHALL PRAISE ME! Hallelujah! God does not panic because HE KNOWS YOUR BATTLES WILL END IN PRAISE and not in PAIN! You were not created for shame, disgrace, delay, failure, endless tears, etc, You were created for the praise of Jehovah God!

It doesn’t matter what life throws at you or the storms and battles you may be facing, always declare aloud: “SATAN, you are a liar, NO SHAKING! I SHALL NOT WEEP! THIS SHALL END UP IN PRAISE! I SHALL TURN THESE “BROKEN EGGS” TO “DELICIOUS OMELETTES.” Then Psalm 37:37 says your life will end up in PEACE! So the angel was relaxed and sat down because God knows that despite your trials, delays and attacks, etc YOUR LIFE, FAMILY AND MINISTRY WILL END UP IN PEACE!

No matter what is happening right now, 2020 shall end up in peace for your health, job, career, business, marriage and family in Jesus name . Refuse to worry! A wise man said: “Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned but just how it’s meant to be.” Yes! Look up, because what worries you masters you!

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PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of praise as led.
1. In your own words, pray on today’s word as led now.
2. Thank you LORD for being in CONTROL of all I go through.
3. Thank you LORD that my life, family and ministry will end up in PRAISE!
4. I declare “Operation no shaking” now my fire concerning my life’s battles in Jesus name.
5. I REFUSE TO WORRY! I refuse to fear, panic or be afraid of my future. I shall end well and I shall end up in PEACE in Jesus name.

Pray about today as led. CANCEL REGRETS over a certain decision! ODM LATEST NEWS & UPDATES


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