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ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018 – PRAISE HIM AND YOU WILL BE RAISED

ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018


Basic Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20: 19-22; Psalm 100

Welcome to this wonderful time with the God of divine appointments. What have you been trusting God for since the beginning of the year? What is that thing that has been bothering you, that has caused you to take your attention off every thing that man has said and that men have to offer to focus on that Great Giver of all good gifts? Don’t miss ODM 09 Dec. 2018 – “LOOK BACKWARDS TO MOVE FORWARD!

ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018

ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018

Whatever it is, God has heard the cry of your heart. He is coming to your aid today. There is one thing that is needful of you to see all that He has in tended to do: PRAISE! “RAISE” and “PRAISE” have five powerful words in common. When you praise God, HIS MIGHTY POWER IS RELEASED TO RAISE YOU ABOVE YOUR CHALLENGES! His power is released to RAISE YOU ABOVE Y O U R ADVERSARIES.

A man/woman who praises God habitually can never be defeated despite acute DELAYS. He/she will ultimately prevail! Praise is the master keys for champions. No matter how tough your issue is, you can praise your way into victory. You can praise your way into awesome testimonies. Hear the words of verses 19 of today’s scripture: “the Levites, of the children of the Kohathites, and of the children of the Korahites, STOOD UP TO PRAISE THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL WITH A LOUD VOICE ON HIGH.”

What were they praising¬¬ God for? Verse 21 tells us: “PRAISE THE LORD, FOR HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER.”

Amazing! Get this: “if there is no other thing for you to praise God for, praise Him for His mercy that endures forever.” His Mercy means HIS GOODNESS TO YOU FOR THINGS YOU DON’T QUALIFY FOR! Let your entire being praise Him for HIS MERCIES that never fails! It is that same mercy (UNDESERVED FAVOUR) that will fight on your behalf as 2018 ends just as it fought for Jehoshaphat in his day of battle! Refuse depression, fear or regrets over your past! Praise Him! He will RAISE you!

ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018

ODM IN EVERY CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR HAMPER! Give out the 2019 ODM copy to souls! I see NEW GRACE coming on you for every copy given out this month! Amen!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: → My faith looks up…
1. Worship God for today’s word. Thank Him for His mercy!

2. Lord, baptize me with Your UNCOMMON MERCY as 2018 ends in Jesus name. I thank You and praise You for every DELAY or battle that I cannot understand.

3. SORROW is not my name! I receive the spirit of joy/garment of praise. I will rejoice throughout the remaining days of this year in Jesus name!

4. I scatter every END-OF-YEAR EVIL NEWS in Jesus name. ODM Daily Devotional 10 December 2018 – PRAISE HIM AND YOU WILL BE RAISED
5. Pray about today seriously. See the devotional prayers on page 7-9 → Click here.

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

Amen and amen

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