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ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe – TOPIC: ACCUSING THE ACCUSER!

ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe



It’s very important to pursue purity in order to get closer to God, because purity leads to holiness! What? Purity leads to HOLINESS? Yes! HOLINESS in this context means WHOLE- LINESS! PURITY MAKES YOU WHOLE – COMPLETE IN CHRIST! Holiness and purity are twins, but the difference is that HOLINESS involves your daily lifestyle/activities while purity involves the state of your heart!

ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe

It is the PURE IN HEART that live HOLY AND WIN IN THEIR DAILY CONDUCT, SPEECH, DRESSING, ANGER MANAGEMENT, HATRED OF IMMORALITY, etc, for out of the ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART COMES EVIL OR GOOD! David was not perfect in his daily conduct, but he was PERFECT IN HEART – see 1 Kings 15: 3. Then Matthew 5: 8 says the PURE IN HEART will see God! Not just in heaven, but THEY SHALL SEE GOD-IN-ACTION on this planet! A PURE HEART ATTRACTS GOD into your battles! Be courageous and seek A PURE HEART DAILY!

If you hate sin, then you CANNOT BE ACCUSED by the ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN – Satan (Rev 12: 10)! If you are fighting against your worst feelings and temptations, so is God. On your side is God who made all, and Christ who died for all, and the Holy Spirit who alone gives wisdom, purity and nobleness! How can any power, man or woman stop/accuse you when Jehovah the PURE GOD is on your side?

ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe

As you pursue PURITY, note this: HEAVEN and HELL are real!As you pursue PURITY, note this also: On your side are all spirts of just men made perfect, all wise and good souls in earth and heaven, all good and wholesome influences, whether of nature or of grace, of matter or of mind. How can you fail if they are all on your side? Impossible!

May God give us pure hearts so we may see Him, humble hearts so we may hear Him, loving hearts so we may serve Him, and faithful hearts so we may live in Him! Pursue PURITY (inner heart) and HOLINESS (your outward conduct) daily! Declare 1 John 3:3 twenty-one times and pray seriously now! Read also: Psalm 24:4, Psalm 119:140, and 2 Timothy 2:22! ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe

Get and give out this ODM Booklet as a SPECIAL GIFT item for weddings, anniversaries, dedications, birthdays, etc, to bless a soul! NEVER MISS AN EDITION! When Life ZIGZAGS, ODM creates SANITY! Amen! ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe – TOPIC: ACCUSING THE ACCUSER!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God. ODM Hymns HERE
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led.
2. I SHALL NOT MISS HEAVEN or the RAPTURE! I repent from all impurity! LORD, help me not to go back to it from this day. I seek to be pure even as He is PURE! ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe – TOPIC: ACCUSING THE ACCUSER!

3. I hereby ACCUSE every ACCUSER of my destiny! I declare by the BLOOD of Jesus that SIN has no DOMINION over me! I reject secret sins or an evil lifestyle! Pray about today as led now! ODM Daily Devotional 18th August 2018 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe – TOPIC: ACCUSING THE ACCUSER!

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Juliet Sele
Juliet Sele
6 years ago

I accuse every accuser of my marriage in Jesus name. Amen

Calistus Emeka
Calistus Emeka
6 years ago

All my wicked in-laws must die in the name of Jesus

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