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ODM Daily Devotional 3 October 2018 – TOPIC: YOUR FINEST HOUR IS HERE

ODM Daily Devotional 3 October 2018


Basic Scripture: Esther 4: 1-14

Winston Churchill, prime minister of England during World War II, was a man of exceptional achievements. He always gave his best to improving himself and making a significant impact in the society. In 1940, he became Prime Minister of Great Britain and went ahead to rescue Great Britain from defeat during the World War II. Click here for Daily Manna 2 October 2018 – “TOPIC: MORE THAN A NEW THING!

ODM Daily Devotional 3 October 2018

ODM Daily Devotional 3 October 2018

He once told his nation, “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender.” Don’t let anything pressure you into giving up your responsibility. You are responsible for your life! You are responsible for bouncing back when you fall. You are responsible for fulfilling your destiny.

Romans 14: 12 says it clearly, “So then, everyone of us will give account of himself to God.” No matter how 2018 has been, refuse to blame others or yourself! What has happened has happened! That mistake has been made! Refuse to dwell there! Think of the good that can come out of that negative event. If something good must happen in your life or around you, take responsibility of making it happen by learning from your past! Move on! Go ahead and deliver the future.

ODM Daily Devotional 3 October 2018

Hear Winston Churchill again, “There comes a special moment in everyone’s life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity when he seize it, will fulfil his mission – a vision for which he is uniquely qualified. In that moment he finds greatness. It is his finest hour.”

The Holy Ghost wants you to know your FINEST HOUR is born from your FIRE HOUR! Yes! It is a time of pain and delay that produce your testimony hour! For Esther, that moment when Modecai told her, “who knows if you came into the kingdom for such a time as this.” Esther’s finest hour came at the hour of battle, when an enemy had determined to wipe out her generation!

As 2018 ends, refuse to QUIT! A rise and trust God to confront every bitter event because most bitter events are the genesis of your sweet story! Rob Siltanen wrote: “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Yes, you can! Hold on and old out!

Get midweek fire prayers! Send me your watsapp number today! I am led to send prophetic warnings and midweek prayer fires to all ODM users most Wednesdays)! Send your watsapp numbers and your town, city/country to this number: +234 8144-044-226, +234 802-342-1513, +234-807-314-6863 or email them to Enjoy a new fire!

Prayer Points: Take any song of worship as led. Click here for – “Odm Hymns
1. Pray seriously as led concerning today’s word now.
2. My Fire Hour is my Finest Hour! I look up to you Lord as 2018 ends. ODM Daily 1 October 2018 – “TOPIC: 2018 HITHERTO…” – Click here

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