ODM Daily Devotiona March 26 2018 by Dr Chris
Julius Caesar said: “The evil that men do live after them, while the good are always interred (buried) with their bones.” The experience of America’s intervention in several countries of the world is shown in the assassination of Patrick Lumumba by Joseph Desire Mobutu of Congo who was alleged at that time to be an agent of the American corral intelligence Agency (CIA). Also Reading ODM 25th 2018
ODM Daily Devotional March 26 2018 by Dr Chris
How about the over through of Kama Nkrumah of the Gold coast (now Ghana) and captain Thomas SANKARA of upper Volta (now Burkina Faso)? Like Mobutu SESE SEKO and Osama Bin Laden (who were all CIA agents), they trained Jonas Savimbi, the rebel leader in Angola. This was individuals who brought blood, war, deaths, tears, and agony to their people with the support of America in the past, but later became agents of mass destruction and terror to the same America! Wow!
I am reminded of the 8-foot MONSTER called FRANKENSTEIN created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein in his laboratory using chemicals! In that fictional, popular book written by Mary Shelley the MONSTER ended up killing almost everyone, but such is life! THE SEEDS YOU SOW will consume you or catapult you to celebration! Late last year 2017, presidents Trump of America beloved President J. f. Kennedy! But the question remains:
ODM Daily Devotional March 26 2018 by Dr Chris
who killed President John F. Kennedy of America? Could it be the rich and the powerful American arm dealers, because they felt threatened with Kennedy policy of withdrawing American troops from Vietnam and thereby stopping the war at that time (1955-1975)? America is a great country, but they have sown blood and war in the past and they have received such harvest also:
ODM IS AGAINST TERRORISM OF ANY KIND but they emphasizes on THE KIND OF SEED YOU SOW IN THIS YEAR 2018! The word says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man soweth, that he/she also shall reap “(Galatians 6:7). This is a powerful, spiritual law! Your negative or positive actions or sacrifices concerning your family, friends, congregations, children, businesses, job, etc are seeds you must harvest someday. Our Daily Manna prayer Points 2018
Champions do not sow wrong seeds because they know that actions and reactions are sure! Ask Joseph brother in Genesis 50 and ask America! Pray now! See ODM Daily Reading 2018
PRAYER POINTS: Take song 5: when the roll
Ponder and do a checkup today: Is there anything you are doing today that will provoke a negative harvest tomorrow?
Pray and repent now!
Every plain of witches/occultism against me, fall into pieces DAILY this year in Jesus name (pray it seriously and pray about today now)!
Give out the next edition of ODM copy as a MIRACLE SEED.” Expect a3-day testimony!
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