ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

ODM Daily For 10th November 2022


ODM Today
ODM Today

CLICK HERE TO READ BASIC SCRIPTURE Our Daily Manna 10 November 2022

As we continue yesterday’s devotional about the 75-year- old woman, let the Holy Ghost do a new thing in you! Eventually in July 2021, she was evicted from the 2-bedroom apartment she had occupied for 25 years. ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

Records in the church showed that she had owed rents running up to 10,000 dollars. Following her eviction, a blame game started. The woman blamed the church and the church blamed the woman.

Then, the president of the branch of the Columbia National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), an inter-racial American organization created to work for the abolition of segregation and discrimination housing, education, voting, employment and transportation, had this to say, “My personal stance: it’s an ungodly thing for anybody in the church to evict a 75-year-old lady and put her stuff in the streets.”

ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

On the other hand, the new church pastor said housing was not a ministry of the church because the church is not in the property rental business.” Wow! And the old woman was left on the cold streets!

But the Holy Ghost wants you to never forget that by LOVE shall all MEN know THAT YOU ARE REPRESENTING JESUS on this planet! Are your actions Christ-like? When you tell lies, refuse to forgive people, cheat on your
spouse or other people, batter your wife/disobey your husband, wear revealing dresses to tempt pastors (both young and old), fail to pay your tithe, steal, etc, are you Christ-like?

ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

Many times some so-called Christians put up behavior that makes people wonder if they have come across Christ or the Bible at all. Part of Verse 14 of today’s scripture says: “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh”. Benjamin Franklin
quipped: “Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.” Close with this: You don’t have a garden just for yourself. You have it to share! One life!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now. ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

  2. Lord Jesus, let my life glorify Your holy name and Your church now and always.

  3. As 2022 ends, make my life an example for others to follow.

  4. I vow today that by the grace of God, men shall see the BEAUTY OF JESUS in me! SO HELP ME God. ODM Daily For 10th November 2022 – WEAR THIS BADGE AS 2022 ENDS! – 2

  5. Pray about any issue(s) affecting your peace.

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