ODM Daily for 11 June 2024 DO GOOD DAILY! LIFE IS VANITY!

ODM Daily for 11 June 2024


Daily Manna ODM
Daily Manna ODM


It’s been rightly said that an opportunity does not come to someone twice. The blessings that God will enrich your life with will come in form of opportunities; and if you don’t seize those opportunities, you will miss out on God’s blessings. One of the opportunities that will come your way to receive the blessings of God is the opportunity to love someone! Love is an action word. Love is not a feeling. Love is a commitment to do something good to someone regardless of what they have done or what you think they will do in return. Love doesn’t consider what it will benefit before it reaches out to bless someone. I want to challenge you today, seize every opportunity you have to lavish the love of God on the people that you meet. Hear Max Lucado: “There is a time for risky love. There is a time for extravagant gestures. There is a time to pour out your affections on the one you love. And when the time comes —seize it, don’t miss it.” Our Basic Scripture sums it up: “As opportunities come your way, do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith.” This means that you must be ready to do good at every opportunity that comes your way. Don’t get into the habit of making excuses. Excuses never moved someone into their place of success and glory. Excuses are seeds of failure that will definitely produce a harvest of regret. You can be sure that opportunities will come your way to do good DAILY! If you want to enjoy the goodness that God has packaged for you today, you must not for any reason withhold good from people you meet!Forgive people! Don’t judge them! Mother Theresa said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” God has not anointed you to be a judge over others; He has anointed you to be a channel of love. Let that love flow today even as you go out! SMILE AT SOMEONE TODAY!

On Saturday, June 29th 2024 we must all do a charity work worldwide! Show mercy!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.

  1. Pray on today’s WORD as it has touched you!
  2. Repent from malice or judging others! Father, let love flow
    through me today, and let me be a channel of blessing to
    people everywhere I go today!
  3. Lord, I receive the harvest of blessings prepared for me today.
    LIFE IS VANITY! I determine to be a blessing today!
  4. Pray about today! Pray for people today (mention names).

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