ODM DAILY Manna for Champions 4 September 2023
There is always work to do in the house of God, because God is a God of plans and purposes with counsel to fulfill (Isaiah 46:10-11). God uses His created beings to carry out His counsel (Isaiah 46: 11).
Manna for Champions 4 September 2023 – USELESS IN THE GRAVE!
In today’s text on the parable of the talents, you’ll notice that talents were given to all the servants. All traded with their talents and made profit except the unprofitable servant, who hid his talent. Some people in the church are like this servant.
They have God-given talents to sing, evangelize, teach, help to usher people, for example, but they prefer sitting and hiding in
church than working for the Master. Realise today that God places a demand on that talent given to you. He will ask you to give account of it someday.
Manna for Champions 4 September 2023 – USELESS IN THE GRAVE!
Remember too, that no man is indispensable. God can even by-pass you and raise stones to do His work. God forbid! Use that talent you have now. It will be useless in the grave, if Jesus tarries. Arise therefore, shine and be profitable to the ONE who saved you.
The statement below, included in this write-up, is quite helpful here: “We squander health in search of wealth, We scheme and toil and save, Then squander wealth in search of health, And all we get is a grave.
We live and boast of all we own, We die and all we get is a stone (a tomb.)” In this 2nd half of the year 2023, always remember that life is vanity. Manna for Champions 4 September 2023 – USELESS IN THE GRAVE!
Use your talent now – WHEREVER YOU ARE because it will be useless in the grave! (Give out at least 8 ODM copies, send a message to orderodm@gmail.com and I shall send you prayers on: “LORD, Disgrace every Satanic SPY/MONITORING SPIRIT around my life/ministry”).
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Amazing grace…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word.
- Lord, give me the grace to be profitable.
3.LORD,in this year 2023, I dedicate my entire life and talents, including all my resources for Your use in Jesus name. -
I shall not be counted among the WASTED GENERATION! 5. At the “last bus-stop of my life”-in my last breath on this planet, I shall hear from my SAVIOUR- “WELL DONE DEAR SON/DAUGHTER! Enter into your mansion and into your everlasting rest” (Pray it very well for 3 days).
Holy Ghost, REVIVE ME again. Do a NEW THING in my life, family and ministry this year.
- Pray about today and about this year as led now.
Manna for Champions 4 September 2023 – USELESS IN THE GRAVE!
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