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ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018- CHURCH WEDDING AFTER 63 YEARS OF MARRIAGE: HOLD ON!

ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018



On Saturday, December 23, 2017, a 94 year-old man clutched the hand of his 91 year-old wife and their old age, they both staggered down the aisle of a church to renew their 63 year-old marital vows in a colorful wedding ceremony. The aging couple Jackson Muruki and Agnes Njeri, exchanged marital vows at the PCEA Gachika Church at Kigango, Nyeri County in Kenya. Don’t miss reading ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 4th 2018

ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018

ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018

The couples who were reported to have 13 children, were married and had been living together for 63 years but had never had the opportunity to wed in a church. They had both been looking forward to a church wedding even after those many years of marriage. At last, they realized their dreams in December 2017. The wedding ceremony attracted hundreds of curious residents living in their area.

To their children, relatives and church leaders, the wedding was the best example to the younger generation and those stay together as husband and wife who never made their marriage official. The old couple after their wedding hoped they could spend more years together after they renewed their over half a century old love. This is a classic example of the fact that, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO FULFIL A DREAM!

ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018

Also, the Holy Ghost wants you to RENEW YOUR FIRST LOVE TO THE LORD TODAY just like this couple! And just like what happened in the days of king Josiah when he gathered the children of Israel together to renew their covenant with God as seen in today’s passage in 2kings 23:2. Are you becoming lukewarm in your commitment to God? Ah, this is the time to renew and RETURN TO YOUR FIRST LOVE for Him!

See Jeremiah 3: 22: “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.” Are you living together with your spouse without having made your marriage Formal, etc? make plans, take the appropriate steps, do the needful and CUT OFF WHATEVER CAN TAKE YOU TO HELL. As 2018 runs on, HOLD ON TO THAT DREAM! The old couple in today’s devotion realized their dream after 63 years!

No wonder Colin Powell equipped, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Yes! Delay is not DENIAL! There are many DECORATION PARTIES ahead I see people CONGRATULATING YOU! I see CELEBRATION PARTY and I was told that you are the celebrant! Oh! Hold on and hold out! Pray seriously now!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: Blessed assurance…
1. In your own words, pray on today’s word as led now
2. UPROOT discouragement and ANXIETY now
3. HOLY GHOST, set me on FIRE again! I return to my FIRST LOVE FOR GOD now!

  1. It is NEVER too late for my dreams! I shall wait till my season comes! I trust you LORD! I ENVY NOBODY! ODM Daily Reading For Champions May 5 2018
  2. Pray in tongues seriously today concerning that dream.
  3. Pray about today and about any other prayer point(s) as lead now.

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