ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018: NEVER GO WITHOUT YOUR ANGEL

ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018



Not too long ago, in the restive oil rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria, a senior police officer was killed by some unknown persons. The officer, an Assistant Commissioner of Police, was an Area Commander. The officer was shot twice at close range on a Sunday night around 8pm, and died the following Tuesday afternoon.

ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

According to an eye witness account, the officer was trailed by his attackers to a roundabout opposite the palace of the king of the town where he served. The police authorities later said it was a case of armed robbery. Their spokesman said the robbers wanted to take away the car he was riding in but resistance from him made the robbers shoot him. Normally, a police officer of that rank wouldn’t go out without his security details. Unfortunately, on that fateful evening, this high-ranking Area Commander went out alone.

He was said to be returning from the outing when he was shot! Indeed, the allowed events of our lives always leave us with lessons. Probably, if the officer had gone with his security details, the robbers wouldn’t have attacked him successfully! And what the Holy Ghost wants to remind you is that you must be sure of God’s presence and approval before stepping out into any place, project or goal. ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

The Bible is full of promises about the accompanying presence of God. For instance, 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him…”

ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

Today’s scripture Verse 11 says “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone”. Moses said to God categorically, “if thy presence go not with me carry us up not up hence (Exo 33:15). Of course, he had not gotten God’s assurance earlier in Exodus 33:14, where God had told him, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” Yes! HIS PRESENCE IS YOUR REST! His PRESENCE is your PEACE! His PRESENCE IS YOUR SECURITY!

Resist WHATEVER will GRIEVE THE LORD or YOUR ANGEL! Yes! YOUR ANGELS IS ALWAYS WATCHING! Resist that SECRET SIN, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc, as you go out daily! Always remember that in all you do and wherever you go, YOUR ANGEL IS WATCHING! Live holy! Don’t break the HEDGE of your security and Peace! ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

1. In your own words, pray on today’s word as led now. ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018
2. I resist every satanic plan to break my SECURITY WALL today and this week!
3. I repent from ways in which I have GRIEVED You in the past!
4. Lord, empower my ANGELS as I go out daily! ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018

5. Oh LORD, disappoint those who are planning an early graver for my life.
6. Pray about today and about any other prayer point(s) as led now.
Pray for all who sowed the January SRS seed, Tithe or FIRSTFRUIT, etc. ODM Daily Reading For Today 22nd April 2018


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