ODM Devotional 10 October 2019 – LIFE’S WASHING MACHINES!

ODM Devotional 10 October 2019


Basic Scripture: John 16: 23-33

In ancient times, people used to clean their clothes by pounding them on rocks or using abrasive sands, and then they would wash the dirt away in local streams. What I have noticed about life in this world is that it it full of problems. No wonder Jesus said, “…in that world, you will have tribulations…” Tribulations, troubles, problems, challenges, difficulties, disappointments, whatever name you call them can be likened to the rocks and abrasive sands that ancient people used to clean their clothes.

ODM Devotional 10 October 2019
odm Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM Devotional 10 October 2019

You can even say that problems and challenges are like washing machines; they twist us, shake us, push us, squeeze us, knock us around, spin us and roll us over and over… but then, we come out clean, bright and better than before. Hear the words of former movie star-turned-pastor, Chuck Norris: “I’ve always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you’ve got to have the drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on the route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish.”

No matter how 2019 has been, never allow obstacles and challenges to stop you. Rather, look up to God, dream of a greater NEXT YEAR/TOMORROW, and turn those obstacles into stepping stones! Close with Nick DiNardo from his book,”THE GAME OF ADVERSITY ” – “Like a sculptor chipping away at the marble, adversity is what chips and crafts us into who we are and what we became.” ODM Devotional 10 October 2019 – LIFE’S WASHING MACHINES!

ODM Devotional 10 October 2019 – LIFE’S WASHING MACHINES!

Yes! It is the POTTER’S WEAPON to craft you into destiny because the glory that God has put inside you and destined for you is greater than any challenge that comes your way. So, don’t give up! Life’s battles are life’s wishing machines! I hear the sound of celebration and dancing in your home in Jesus name!
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ODM Devotional 10 October 2019

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: Higher ground…
1. In your own words, pray on today’s word as led now.
2. I refuse to quit now! Holy Ghost, THOU THE GREAT POTTER, mould my destiny into Your will in Jesus name.
3. Every demonic program designed to recycle and repeat affliction and troubles in my life, SCATTER BY FIRE now, in Jesus name (Pray it for 3 days and 3 nights).

  1. I shall finish my 2019 on a note of strength and glory, in Jesus name. Father, let this last quarter be marked with great and glorious testimonies for my life and ministry! ODM Devotional 10 October 2019 – LIFE’S WASHING MACHINES!
  2. Pray about today!

ODM Devotional 10 October 2019 – LIFE’S WASHING MACHINES!


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago

Amen and amen

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