ODM Devotional for July 22 – HE MISSED IT BY 2 MINUTES!
Basic Scripture: Ruth 1:1-22

Antonis Mavropoulous, President of the International Solid Waste Association, said on Facebook that he missed the Ethiopian plane crash by 2 minutes. He was to attend the annual assembly of the UN Environment Programme holding in Nairobi. Kenya. In fact, as soon as the door of the plane had closed and the plane had taken off, he arrived at the gate but was told that he was late by 2 minutes. Six minutes later, the plane crashed! As news of the crash spread across the globe, airport security agencies told him: “Say thank you to God, because you are the only passenger who did not enter Flight ET 302 which is missing.” Thereafter, he was “arrested” and interrogated! They did not let him go until they had determined who he was! Hear him: “I lost it for two minutes when 1 arrived. The boarding gate was closed and I watched the last passenger in the tunnel go in. I screamed to put me in but they didn’t allow it.”
Ah! Indeed every disappointment is a blessing to them who love God! Yes! every disappointment is God’s appointment. Similarly, in the incident involving the Brazilian soccer team that was also involved in a plane crash (may their souls rest in peace), a player was injured so he didn’t make the flight. He may have thought that the injury was a setback to his career, but it turned out that it was meant to spare his life and give him a second chance. Think of Joseph! He had disappointments — years in an Egyptian dungeon. But that was God’s appointment to make him become the ruler of Egypt under Pharaoh.
Think of Naomi! She had disappointments — having to move to Moab, and while there, seeing her husband and sons die. But that was God’s appointment to have Ruth become her daughter-in-law who gave birth to a son whose lineage included David and Jesus Christ. Sometimes, God does not give you what you think you want! Not because you don’t deserve it, but because you DESERVE MORE! When life gives you LEMONS, make LEMONADES Read HERE from them, because your God will never allow what will turn your last bus-stop into a story of PAIN! Always remember: He missed the plane by just 2 minutes! You will miss that evil this year! You will miss that bad news today and daily! Close with this:
If God shuts a door, stop banging on it! Trust that whatever was behind that door was not meant for you! Oh, lift up your hands now and give God praise!
ODM Manna PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: What a friend…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
- Holy Ghost, direct my steps! Cause me to miss that accident, that loss, that evil man or woman, that premature death, etc.in Jesus name (Pray it seriously)!
- Pray in Tongues seriously now!
- Lord, I say THANK YOU for all the things you did not allow- to come my way’ I called them DISAPPOINTMENTS but You used them for Your PRAISE! Thank you, LORD!
- Lord, send across my pathway, any disappointment that will become my DESTINY LADDER in Jesus name.
There’s not a Friend like the lowly Jesus – Hymn
1) There’s not a Friend like the lowly Jesus:
No, not one! no, not one!
None else could heal all our souls’ diseases:
No, not one! no, not one!
Jesus knows all about our struggles;
He will guide ’til the day is done:
There’s not a Friend like the lowly Jesus:
No, not one! no, not one!
2. No friend like Him is so high and holy,
No, not one! no, not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly,
No, not one! no, not one!
Daily Manna April 13 2019
3. There’s not an hour that He is not near us,
No, not one! no, not one!
No night so dark, but His love can cheer us,
No, not one! no, not one!
4. Did ever saint find this Friend forsake him?
No, not one! no, not one!
Or sinner find that He would not take him?
No, not one! no, not one!
5 . Was e’er a gift like the Savior given?
No, not one! no, not one!
Will He refuse us the bliss of heaven?
No, not one! no, not one!
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