ODM For Champions 14 January 2020 – I CANNOT BE EMBARRASSED IN 2020

ODM For Champions 14 January 2020


BASIC SCRIPTURES: JOB 22:21-30; 1 Corinthians 5: 20

In 2018, Robyn Rihanna Fenty, a citizen of Barbados was given the title: “Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,” by the government of Barbados for her local and international contribution in flagging the flag of Barbados. The word, “PLENIPOTENTIARY” actually means “a person and especially a diplomatic agent invested with full power to transact business.” And the Holy Ghost wants you to know that ONE OF THE SECRETS OF ELEVATION and avoiding SHOCKING EMBARRASSMENT is to know who you are! Don’t let your enemies DEFINE YOU or ask you questions like, “WHO ARE YOU?

ODM For Champions 14 January 2020
ODM For Champions 14 January 2020

ODM For Champions 14 January 2020

KNOW WHO YOU ARE as the year begins! 2 Corinthians 5:20 says that YOU ARE AN AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST! You were ELEVATED on the day you got BORN AGAIN from just being a CHILD OF GOD to an AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST! The difference is that the devil can mess around with just any child of God who lives like a baby in the LORD! But AMBASSADORS are those who have grown from just being a CHILD, into being a SON with full AUTHORITY to represent the kingdom. An AMBASSADOR cannot be messed around with! They enjoy certain rights which ordinary Citizens do not enjoy! And that’s who you are! Yes! The word ‘AMBASSADOR’ is one of the fastest routes away from SHAME and RUBBISH!

ODM For Champions 14 January 2020

This is because AMBASSADORS have WIDE IMMUNITY from arrest, molestation or prosecution! Jehovah God has ordained you as His AMBASSADOR on planet earth with FULL POWER and AUTHORITY to transact the business of your destiny. This year 2020 and in this 21-day fasting programme, He is sending me to announce to you that YOU ARE MOVING FROM EMBARRASSMENT to ELEVATION! The powers that MOLESTED YOU IN THE PAST WILL BE ARRESTED AND HANDCUFFED THIS YEAR; you will be their “WATERLOO” and DISGRACE LAND…! (To be continued tomorrow). Pray now with, “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-15” DAY 4 prayers on page 29 CLICK HERE, then never miss the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT at TBS, Lagos, on January 31st, 7pm.

It will be an UNFORGETTABLE experience! Come with your picture and anything that represents the labour of your hands! I am commanded to anoint your hands and feet that night! Sow your, “NO MORE EMBARRASSMENT” SEED and pray the PROPHETIC PRAYER PSALMS that will be sent to you! This is your year! ODM For Champions 14 January 2020 – I CANNOT BE EMBARRASSED IN 2020

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led. 2020 ODM Daily Hymns Praise and Worship Songs → CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. I am an AMBASSADOR and I carry authority to represent heaven this year! I cannot be BROUGHT DOWN or rubbished this year! I am an answer to this generation and I shall see answers this year in Jesus name. ODM For Champions 14 January 2020 – I CANNOT BE EMBARRASSED IN 2020
3. REFUSE to see myself as an EMBARRASSMENT, I AM AN AMBASSADOR in Jesus name.
4. Pray about today seriously now and any other issue(s) affecting your peace!
5. Pray the “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-15” Prayers now as directed above. Always pray the 2020 AGREEMENT PRAYER BULLETS – (VIRTUE) PAGE. PUT YOUR HAND HERE

ODM For Champions 14 January 2020 – I CANNOT BE EMBARRASSED IN 2020


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5 years ago

Day #4 in progress. 2020 is the Ambassadorial year, I will not be embarrassed. Amen

5 years ago

This is suppose to be a Christian app there are some inappropriate advert pictures that need looking into.

5 years ago
Reply to  Liz

Visit odmdaily.com on your Chrome directly not on an app

Lazarous Phiri
Lazarous Phiri
5 years ago

Amen and thank you Lord for day 5

Christy Akpakip
Christy Akpakip
5 years ago

I haven’t been receiving the daily devotional anymore. I don’t know what the issue is

5 years ago

I haven’t been notified for days now

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