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ODM For Champions 19 February 2020 – THIS DREAMER COMETH: FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! -2

ODM For Champions 19 February 2020



We all have strengths and weaknesses! You are not perfect and you cannot do everything at all times. But you can be good at something and be known all over the world for that one thing! Joseph was known for his dreams! Oh! The Holy Ghost emphasis to a user of today’s devotional is: FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTH and then FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! For instance, some people are good as thinkers than as doers. But they are spending their time doing instead of thinking. There are people who are gifted analysts. They are good in analysis! They can think for companies, organizations, political parties, etc, but they are not doing so! Indeed, many people are not in their places of strength. They are not in the business, job, career, etc, of their strength! Do not miss Our Daily Manna 18 February 2020 – THIS DREAMER COMETH: FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! – 1 – CLICK HERE

ODM For Champions 19 February 2020
ODM For Champions 19 February 2020

ODM For Champions 19 February 2020

That is why they struggle every year! Let 2020 be different! When you focus on your strength, the world will focus on you! In this year 2020, stop trying to do everything. Stop trying to be like everybody and stop trying to please everybody! Focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses! A wise man said: “While multitasking may seem like a great way to get a lot done quickly, it turns out that people are actually rather bad at it. Juggling multiple tasks at once can dramatically cut down on productivity and makes it more harder to hone-in on the details that are truly important.” The overwhelming majority of people who have reached success will tell you that sticking to one thing and doing it until you reach your goal is the only sure way to achieve success. Multi-tasking gives the illusion of competence and productivity but it is actually a detriment to your productivity. I remember a Russian proverb: “If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither one.” Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least! Paul said in Vs 13 of today’s word: “THIS ONE THING I DO…”

Peter Drucker wrote: “Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.” Unless you resist distractions and get focused, you cannot be EFFICIENT! When I write, I focus like ants are focused when they are after a sugar cube! I cut off friends and delete my social life! Yes! Success demands a singleness of purpose. People think SUCCESS means saying YES to the things that come your way! But they are dead wrong! It means saying NO to hundreds of other good ideas that may be seem very good at that time! In 2020, Satan wants to DISTRACT AND WASTE YOU! He knows that God created you to fulfil certain assignments on earth! And He knows that one of the greatest secrets is, FOCUSING ON YOUR STRENGTH! So, he will keep you busy off track till you forget that Success is built sequentially.

ODM For Champions 19 February 2020 – THIS DREAMER COMETH: FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! -2

It’s one thing at a time. Always ask “WHO AM I?” Your promotion and elevation lies in discovering that answer! So, they knew Joseph as a dreamer. It was his dreams that put him into trouble. What does your world know you for or to be? Go and discover it! Pray with the Mantles today! ODM For Champions 19 February 2020 – THIS DREAMER COMETH: FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! -2

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Blessed assurance… – CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as you are led now.
2 Satan, you are a liar! You cannot distract me this year! I refuse to chase MANY GOOD IDEAS AT THE SAME TIME in Jesus name.
3. In this year 2020, I shall FOCUS ON my STRENGTH and then FOCUS on my FOCUS!
4. LORD, reveal WHO I AM to me today/this year! Cancel every plan to DE-FOCUS you this year!

ODM For Champions 19 February 2020 – THIS DREAMER COMETH: FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS! -2

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