ODM For Champions 1st February 2020 – QUE SERA SERA
QUE SERA SERA – This is either Portuguese or Spanish for what will be, will be.” This is something you say when you are stuck in a hopelessly unchangeable situation, but have come to accept or even embrace the unchangeability of it all. This is similar to the phrase “it is what it is.” This means sometimes that whatever is meant or predestined to happen will happen; there is no use in regretting or resisting what one cannot control. If you can CONTROL everything, then you have become the next “JEHOVAH GOD’ and of course you know the real and ONLY Jehovah God will whip you into awesome submission because He is a JEALOUS God! Truth is that if something is meant to happen, you cannot stop it from happening; if you stopped it, then it was never destined to happen! You cannot always foretell the future, because even God does not show you ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME! No wonder 2 KINGS 4: 27 says: “… Gehazi drew near to thrust her away: but the man of God said, ‘Let her alone, for her soul is troubled within her, and Jehovah has hidden it from me, and has not told me…”
ODM For Champions 1st February 2020
Did you get that? “Jehovah has hidden it from me and has not told me. God hid the death of that child from Elisha! It could have been avoidable if God had shown him, but God cannot show you everything always! That is why you must trust God for EVERTHING – day by day! When events you cannot explain happen! It is painful but know that ALL THINGS WILL YOU AT LAST! Indeed, there are things you cannot change and there are things you can change but most times we create our own heartbreaks through expectations. ODM For Champions 1st February 2020 – QUE SERA SERA
We know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes we just want to Deuteronomy 29: 29 talks about (the unknown things)! They belong to things you cannot control! Deuteronomy 29: 29 talk about the SECRET THINGS (the unknown things). They belong to God! Stop stressing the, “IT COULD HAVE BEEN.” If it should have been, it would have been! Don’t rush anything. When the time is ripe, it will happen! Don’t regret anything! Everything happens for a reason! Sometimes all you can do is not to think, worry, take an action or get obsessed, etc. Sometimes all you can do is to just breathe and have
faith that everything will work out for your good. In 2020, go with the flow! Force NOTHING! LET IT HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN… TRUSTING THAT whichever way it goes, it is for your best tomorrow!
Yes! QUE SERA SERA! Hold on and hold out! For your MONDAY PRAYERS TO BEGIN EVERY WEEK, follow me on my instagram handle: ourdailymanna_bishopchris
or my facebook page: bishopchris kwakpovwe@odm
way! ODM For Champions February 2020 – QUE SERA SERA
These WEEKLY MONDAY PRAYERS will change your path-way!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: When the morning comes… – CLICK HERE
1. Pray on today’s word as led now.
2. Repent from how you have allowed WORRY and ANXIETY to swallow up your heart in the past!
3. Repent from trying to FIGURE OUT every event with your head! Pray about today! ODM For Champions 1st February 2020 – QUE SERA SERA
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