ODM For Champions 26 January 2019
Basic Scripture: Acts 18: 1-11
Last Night was awesome at the World Anointing Night! You life and ministry will never cease from OVERFLOWING MIRACLES! I am reminded of the “Baker Street London” – a tale so gripping that it might be called 21st century miracle of the UK! A mother and young child who fell off a Lagos Underground train platform into that path of an oncoming train “amazingly” escaped with their lives after jumping into a pit running below the track.
ODM For Champions 26 January 2019
The child’s father who jumped to help them, also survived. The PATHETIC incident was watched by the family’s second child from the platform. Not only did they avoid being killed by the tube train, but they were also fortunate not to have been ELECTROCUTED on the track. The drama started when the mother as pushing the child in a buggy (a light folding chair on wheels in which a baby or a young child can be pushed about) along the southbound platform of the jubilee line while looking up at the indicator board that show when the next train would arrive.
She didn’t realize how near she was to the platform and incidentally pushed the buggy wheels over it. Then she, the buggy and the child fell into the track. The father then jumped to help them. When they all saw a train coming, they thought the end had come, but the quickly moved into a pit under the track and the train passed safely over the top of them . Amazingly, they all survived without being hurt! CCTV footage of the incident, said passengers were “screaming and waving” to the train driver as he pulled into the platform at 10.12pm.
By the time he was able to stop, the train had already gone over the child and his parents but they survived! For a FAST TRAIN TO RUN OVER YOU AND YOU SURVIVE, then your God is actively watching! Don’t forget that where they hid to prevent the train from running over them is popularly called the SUICIDE PIT because those who want to simply die jump in there each year and NONE HAS EVER SURVIVED BEING KILLED BY TRAINS!
ODM For Champions 26 January 2019
What the Holy Ghost is saying to A USER of today’s devotional is that in this year 2019, you cannot die before your time! A God who is wise enough to create you and the world you live in, is wise enough to protect you from evil and satanic WOLVES! Hear Warren Wiersbe: “The safest place in all the world is in the will of God, and the safest protection in all the world is in the name of God.” God told Paul: “For I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city” (Act 18: 10).
Note: Much people (Many angels in 2019)! NO MAN and NO POWER or CIRCUMSTANCE will hurt you because the LORD has many ANGELS in your city! Wow! See this amazing linc from the 1779 hymn: AMAZING GRACE: – “Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.” Grace will see you through this year and this life in Jesus name! Your anointing of last night will never dry! Amen!
PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: → The old rugged cross…
1. In your on words, pray about today’s word as led now. ODM For Champions 26 January 2019 – FAMILY CHEAT DEATH IN BAKER STREET TUBE ‘MIRACLE’
2. Spirit of God, cause my deliverance from EVIL daily this year in Jesus name.
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I will not die before my time.
Amen in Jesus name.
Glory to God only God can take my life. I will serve him until he calls me home..