ODM For Winners 24 April 2020
Welcome!!! Do know that millions of people all over the world are passing by their blessings and miracles everyday? The greatest cry of my heart is that you user of today’s devotional will not be one of these millions. Hear what God said to the people of Israel in today’s scripture Vs. 20; “Behold, I send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. There is a place that God has prepared for you. It’s a place of health, peace and joy. It’s a place of WAR but a place of VICTORY! It’s a place of unending increase. It’s a place of exceptional favour and grace. Daily Manna For Winners 23 April 2020 – JUST AFTER THAT FAILURE! READ HERE

ODM For Winners 24 April 2020
It’s a place of continual success. That place that God has prepared for you is a place of perfect safety and security. Words cannot be enough to describe how beautiful and glorious that place is. Maybe you’re thinking that, that place that l’m referring to is heaven; NO! NO! NO! It is here on EARTH! God’s best is not reserved for you to enjoy only when you get to heaven. Proverbs 11:31 says, “The righteous shall be recompensed on the earth.” Isaiah 1:19 says, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.” Which land? The land (or country) where you are planted in. DON’T POSTPONE YOUR BLESSINGS TILL WHEN YOU GET TO HEAVEN. Stir up your faith and receive the good of any land you dwell in! Favour is not from ABROAD, but from ABOVE!
God has great things prepared and laid up for you. Find out those things and begin to lay claim to them. A man who is prepared to receive God’s best can never receive anything less than God’s best. RECEIVE YOURS NOW! PRAY seriously now! ODM For Winners 24 April 2020 – PREPARE!!! SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN
24 HOURS TO GO! LORD, REMEMBER ME! Tomorrow Saturday April 25th, 2020 is this month’s anointing service. Venue: 8-10, Omotayo Banwo Street, Transformer Bus-stop, Ogudu Orioke, Ogudu, Lagos. Time 7.30 a.m. Theme: “Lord, Remember Me.”
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of adoration as led. 2020 ODM Daily Hymns – – CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray on today s word as led now.
2. Father, I receive ALL that You have prepared for me this quarter. I STEP INTO ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR ME THIS QUARTER (Take A Prophetic Step Forward Right Now And Pray This Seriously As You March Around Your Room).
3. Every plot of the enemy to postpone my 2020 blessings and promotion till further notice, SCATTER BY FIRE NOW, in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray about today now! Every voice denying me and speaking against my ELEVATION to my destined place of honour, be silenced now in Jesus name.
FOLLOW ME FOR YOUR MONDAY PRAYER POINTS: Follow me on my INSTAGRAM HANDLE @ourdailymanna_bishopchris and my facebook page: Bishop Chris kwakpovwe@ODM for your weekly prophetic prayer points!