ODM MANNA 16 March 2024

It was Cornel West who penned: “There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. There is a bigger price for living a lie.” TheN Charles Spurgeon quipped: “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” He was saying that a lie is faster than the truth! Share this story with me: In June 2021, in the state of Missouri, United States of America, a 47- year-old Lebanese accountant was sentenced to 188 months (over 15 years) in federal prison and ordered to pay more than 8.8million dollars as restitution to his victims across the country. What was his offence? The one-time certified public accountant was found guilty of conducting a Ponzi scheme in which he swindled millions of dollars from dozens of his victims. In the scheme, the accountant intentionally fleeced several elderly people out of most or all of their retirement savings. What did he then do with all the money he made? He spent the money on a lavish lifestyle. He purchased a home worth a million dollars, bought expensive cars, etc. In 2019, a jury convicted him before the final sentence in 2021. Many people fail to realize exactly what they are, and therefore resort to a life of falsehood. Listen to Solomon, the wise king: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1). The Holy Ghost is saying: “NEVER LIVE A LIE! BE YOURSELF AND WATCH GOD TURN YOU INTO AN UNBELIEVABLE SUPER STORY!” The accountant in today’s story did exactly this. He lived a lie! He used other people’s finances to live a life of falsehood and he was disgraced. BE DIFFERENT THIS YEAR! Your season will come if you hold on and hold out! ONLINE – ODM MANNA 16 March 2024
“MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 7 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My hope is built…
- Repent and reconcile with God in any area you are found wanting
based on today’s Word. WHICH AREA OF YOUR LIFE ARE
YOU LIVING A LIE? - Lord, I repent from trying to please men! I repent from living a lie!
- I will NEVER compare myself with anybody! I shall wait for Your
season in my life and ministry! - Pray about today! Father, bring helpers my way that will lift my
life to a higher level ODM MANNA 16 March 2024
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