Our Daily Bread ODB February 12 Living by Faith
Valentines Day Prayer Points for Loved Ones

Memory verse: We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
- BASIC SCRIPTURE ODM Devotional 12th February 2022
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- Our Daily Bread ODB February 12 Living by Faith
- Valentines Day Prayer Points for Loved Ones
Today’s Scripture & Insight: 1 Samuel 17:32, 40–47
Geography expert Jack Beck describes the general area where the encounter between David and Goliath took place. Imagine it as running through three vertical lines. The area farthest to the east is the mountains where the Israelites live. The one farthest to the west is where the Philistines live on the coastal plain along the Mediterranean Sea. Between them is a set of ridges and valleys called the Shephelah, creating a corridor between them. As the Philistines moved through the foothills toward the mountains, it’s likely they did so in order to take over the trade routes on the east side of the Jordan River Valley. This would give them access to every village in the Israelite stronghold.
Gary was experiencing some balance issues while walking, so his doctor ordered physical therapy to improve his balance. During one session his therapist told him, “You’re trusting too much in what you can see, even when it’s wrong! You’re not depending enough on your other systems—what you feel under your feet and your inner-ear signals—which are also meant to help keep you balanced.”
“You’re trusting too much in what you can see” brings to mind the story of David, a young shepherd, and his encounter with Goliath. For forty days, Goliath, a Philistine champion, “strutted in front of the Israelite army,” taunting them to send someone out to fight him (1 Samuel 17:16 nlt). But what the people focused on naturally caused them fear. Then young David showed up because his father asked him to take supplies to his older brothers (v. 18).
How did David look at the situation? By faith in God, not by sight. He saw the giant but trusted that God would rescue His people. Even though he was just a boy, he told King Saul, “Don’t worry about this Philistine . . . . I’ll go fight him!” (v. 32 nlt). Then he told Goliath, “The battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (v. 47). And that’s just what God did.
Trusting in God’s character and power can help us to live more closely by faith rather than by sight.
By: Anne Cetas
Reflect & Pray
What are you struggling with? What might it mean to walk by faith in God during this season?
Show me what it means in my struggles to trust You and Your character, dear God. You’re powerful and loving.
Bible in a Year: Leviticus 13 Matthew 26:26–50