Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019 – THE PRIZE FOR THE PRICE!

Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019


Basic Scripture: 1 Peter 1: 18-19; Revelation 5: 1 – 9

One of the secrets of STORY to GLORY is PAYING THE PRICE (sacrifice and pain) FOR THE PRIZE (reward and glory). One way of doing this is to always run your race this year and keep the end in mind – right from the beginning! KEEP SEEING WHERE YOU ARE GOING NO MATTER THE MULTITUDES SCREAMING AGAINST YOUR VISION/LIFE! When you do this, the dream will draw you! The goal will grip you.

Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019
new our daily manna 2019

Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019

Don’t look at the valleys! Keep your eyes on the mountain top. Sees you in your STORY PHASE! But they don’t want you to arrive at your GLORY phase! Every winner visualizes the END right from the START or MID JOURNEY! See it! Write it! Speak it! Dream it! And watch it materialize! Another secret of the PRIZE is to invest in your long-term future, even if that means experiencing a short-term sacrifice! This ODM devotional vision is 21 years old. I have written in bushes, riversides and lived a lonely life when writing!

THAT IS THE PRICE – sacrifice FOR WHERE WE ARE TODAY worldwide! I began with just 50 copies and most of my friends told me then, “YOU CANNOT LAST. It’s tedious! It’s painful! Stop it! At a stage of this vision, I did not own a car because the only one I had broke down due to its “OVERUSE” as our DELIVERY VEHICLE! When the car broke down, I trekked and used commercial motorcars and motorbikes to deliver books. At a stage, I fell off a motorbike and nearly killed myself because I was the writer, the proofreader, the marketer and the “accountant” of this vision then!

Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019

We suffered but I kept seeing where I was going! When I could not afford to write in hotels or in my house due to visitors, I started using public schools with unkempt chairs. At a stage, I sat on a NAIL because the chairs were falling apart! I remember writing in a bushy village and I saw a big snake! I could not run but had to “negotiate” with it to turn back! I told the snake then: “I only came here to write and bless my generation. I did not come to kill you, so you cannot kill me. Turn and go elsewhere to look for your food.

“this big snake just coiled and ‘moved’ away fast! It was then that I saw some hunters with a dog that was chasing the snake! Ah! The story of my PRICE (MY STORY PHASE) for the PRIZE today (THE GLORY PHASE) will fill volumes of books! Listen: too many people want to have mountaintop experiences at rock-bottom prices and that just doesn’t work. Greatness doesn’t come at a discount.

If you want true greatness, if you want to move from STORY to GLORY , you have to pay the full price! There is nothing free even in FREETOWN! Even what you receive freely, like your salvation, has already been paid for by someone – THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF! So determine to pay the price of more fasting, more prayers, more sowing, forgiveness, patience, night prayers, extra hard work, holiness, working for God, daily quiet time, NEVER QUITTING, etc. This is your STORY to GLORY year! Amen!

PRAYER POINT: Take any song of worship now. ODM Hymn Songs
In your own words, pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
I reject being a FAILURE this year! I shall not miss my opportunity!
Lord, grant me the grace to pay the PRICE for the PRIZE! Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019 – THE PRIZE FOR THE PRICE!

I shall walk into my GLORY PHASE! My STORY phase will not be my LAST bus-stop in Jesus name. Pray about February! Our Daily Manna 1 February, 2019 – THE PRIZE FOR THE PRICE!


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago


6 years ago

Wow so touching and encouraging!!!! Im determined to pay the price of more fasting, more prayers, more sowing, forgiveness, patience, night prayers, extra hard work, holiness, working for God, daily quiet time, NEVER QUITTING!!!! I reject being a failure in Jesus’s name!! I shall not miss my opportunity!! Heavenly father grant me the GRACE to pay the PRICE for the PRIZE!!!

6 years ago

Amen, God bless you sir; may he continue to fill you with more of his words to bless this generation

6 years ago

God bless you, Sir.

Ogar Mercy
Ogar Mercy
6 years ago

AMEN!! God bless u more and more sir.

Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
Ifeyinwa Aniekwe
6 years ago


6 years ago


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