Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020 – FIRE IS THE CURE FOR VIPERS!

Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020



Welcome to today’s devotional encounter with Him that I call, “JEHOVAH WONDER WONDER.” The Holy Ghost will be showing you deep mysteries on what I call the THE MELITA WONDER.” Paul mistakenly gathered A VIPER, a dangerous reptile INSTEAD OF STICKS. Ah! Snakes for STICKS! Hear this: NO MISTAKE will SWALLOW YOU UP THIS YEAR! Hear this also: Every VIPER hiding in your STICK OF COMFORT will run BY FIRE! Stop worrying about how you will know all your haters or how you will overcome them. The secret is simple SET UP A FIRE! Yes! Read TOP ODM Daily INSPIRATIONS CLICK HERE

Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020
Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020

Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020

If there is FIRE in your local church, the vipers will run! If there is FIRE in your business, all satanic vipers will run! If there is FIRE in your LIFE, the vipers in your father’s or mother’s house may attack you but will cry out and run! Yes! If there is FIRE in your bones, NO WEAPON FASHIONED AGAINST YOU in 2020 and beyond will prosper! The cure for ViPERS is HOLY FIRE! If you are COLD, all sorts of wicked enemies and vipers will use you as their playground! They will mock you because they know you are in their territory – they live in COLD OR LUKEWARM places (Nahum 3:17)! The devil does not fear COLD churchgoers or LUKEWARM Christians! Lukewarm believers are those who are not on FIRE or COLD! Even heaven will spew you out of your DIVINE HEDGE!

Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020 – FIRE IS THE CURE FOR VIPERS! JUST IN Read  What God Wants Of You This Year! – BACK TO THE BIBLE

Pray this prayer always: “LORD, MAKE ME HOT or I DIE.”A cold life is dangerous! A cold tither or giver is dangerous! Demons will attack your finances! A cold usher is porous because DEMONS will take revenge on you! A cold business or career believer is a trap because Lucifer will come against you and your household! If PAUL HAD NOT SET UP THAT FIRE, he would not have known that he had been living with SNAKES! Ah! The fastest way to know UNFRIENDLY FRIENDS IS BY FIRE! Become a FLAME OF FIRE FOR GOD! Reject coldness and reject a LUKEWARM Iife! They are your fastest route to DISGRACE! Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020 – FIRE IS THE CURE FOR VIPERS!

ODM WORLDWIDE ANNUAL MONTH OF MERCY-JUNE 2020 The month of June is the ODM ANNUAL month of MERCY WORLDWIDE! It is a Month dedicated to do Charity work and to show Practical Love! This should be done throughout the month wherever you are! It should involve visiting Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly people’s homes, etc. Sow a SEED OF MERCY into UBA ACCT NO. 1021784230. ACCT NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH or any account on page 29 of this booklet to help our visitation to Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly Homes, etc. MERCY WILL NEVER ELUDE YOUR HOUSEHOLD IN JESUS NAME. Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020 – FIRE IS THE CURE FOR VIPERS!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of adoration as led. ODM Hymns – CLICK HERE
I. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you! Our Daily Manna 12 May 2020 – FIRE IS THE CURE FOR VIPERS!
2. Repent from any LUKEWARMNESS/spiritual COLDNESS!
3. Lord, EXPOSE EVERY hidden VIPER around my life/ministry!
4. Lord, EXPOSE EVERY hidden UNFRIENDLY FRIEND! Also pray – Night Vigil/Midnight Prayers – TOPIC: PRAYERS/BATTLES OF THE NIGHT
5. Paul mistakenly gathered a SNAKE along with the STICKS! OLORD my God, turn every mistake of my past to the LADDER of my progress in Jesus name (Pray it for 3 days seriously). Decree: LORD, VISIT THE FOUNDATION OF MY BATTLES!


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