Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris

Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris


Basic scripture: 2Kings 3: 11- 24

God could not use Abraham till he left his people! God did not show Abraham the extent of his calling till Lot left him. Samson did not know the Holy Ghost had left him because DELILAH was an ATMOSPHERE BLOCKER! The Holy Ghost will bulldoze every ATMOSPHERE SUCKER this week or this year. Also read this Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris

Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris


Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris

Every ANOINTING SUCKER will be exposed and dry up in Jesus name. For Samson not know that the Holy Ghost had left him was a serious matter. Remember that Elisha could not prophesy till a musician was brought to him (today’s scripture, vs. 15). In this New Year 2018, determine that you will create the atmosphere for God to move in your life, family and ministry. Determine that you will deal with every ANOINTING SUCKER in your life. OUR DAILY MANNA JANUARY TO MARCH 2018

A family full of hatred/quarrels will not allow the Holy Ghost to move! A pastor or elders/workers in church or ministry seeking after church politics, power tussle, and fame or not being prayerful will drive out the Holy Ghost quickly! God is Almighty, but He only operates under certain conditions! The anointing is not magic! It can be boosted or boosted out! My prayer is that nothing will decrease the oil of God and your decoration this year! Run from things/people/places that can kill or reduce the anointing!

Our Daily Manna 2018 Prayer Points

Do you know that sometimes when I minister, just a wrong key from the keyboardist has made the Lord to leave me on the altar? Yes! “My THREE FRIENDS” (The Trinity) returned only when only the atmosphere was right by the right key from the keyboardist. Wow! The power of the atmosphere! Let God also use your administrative skills to help create the right atmosphere for miracles that will depopulate hell wherever you are, especially in your local church!

Our Daily Manna 12th March 2018 By Bishop Dr. Chris

Learn more at the upcoming ANNUAL BATTLE AXE INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE from FRIDAY March 23rd –March 25th! Friday is 6pm. Saturday is 8am and has three sessions! Sunday is IMPORTATION service and departure! Learn ministry/power secret and how to create the atmosphere for growth and miracles! Send accommodation enquirers or requests for visas to orderodm.gmail.com. This is your year! ODM Everyday Prayers Points 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: Draw me nearer…
Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!
Satan, you are a liar! I reject every negative compliment that will block my heavens in Jesus name.
I repent from sin or every evil that will cause the Lord to walk out (mention them).

War Against Haman-13 2018 Prayer Bullets 2018

Holy Spirit, help me to live in faith, worship and holiness daily this year.
Pray about today seriously and any other issues affecting your peace.
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