Our Daily Manna 13th May 2024 NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN!

Our Daily Manna 13th May 2024


Our Daily Manna
Our Daily Manna


What are the impossible situations that you are faced with today? One day, the disciples of Jesus were faced with a big impossibility. As far as they were concerned, they believed it was absolutely impossible for them to fulfil the criteria to enter the kingdom of God. They asked Jesus with fear (Vs. 25): “Who then can be saved?”Jesus looked at them and reassured them, “With men, this is impossible; but with God, all things are possible” – Vs. 26. I don’t know the impossible situation that you are faced with today, but there is one thing I am sure of, ‘WITH GOD, ALL TH INGS ARE POSSIBLE, AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR SITUATION.’ Whatever your situation is, there are two things that can apply to you: 1. There is someone in the Bible who has faced that kind of situation but was able to overcome the impossibility. THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN (See Ecclesiastes 1: 9). 2. There is definitely one or more instances in the Bible where God made a promise to deal with that kind of impossibility or where His Word says that you shouldn’t be a victim of that kind of impossibility. If you can find any of those two things in the Word of God, then I assure you that God can deal with it. There is no impossible situation that can be faced by a man today that God cannot deal with. Sit down with your Bible and start searching. Matthew 7:7 gives a three-step action plan for dealing with every impossibility: ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK. How can you ask for something if you are not sure that it can be given to you in the first place? The Word of God assures us that you have a right to overcome every impossibility. Make your request based on the Word of God. Let Him step into action on your behalf, and you will see His glory in ways you have never seen it before.ASK, SEEKAND KNOCK! ODM ANNUAL MONTH OF MERCY – JUNE 2024 The month of June is the ODM ANNUAL month of MERCY! It is a Month dedicated to do Charity work and to show Practical Love! This should be done throughout the month wherever you are! It should involve visiting Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly people’s homes, etc.

Sow a SEED OF MERCY into UBA ACCT NO. 1021784230. ACCT NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH or any account on page 29 of this booklet to help our visitation to Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly Homes, etc. MERCY WILL NEVER ELUDE YOUR HOUSEHOLD IN JESUS NAME.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.

  1. In your own words, pray as you have been ministered to.
  2. There is nothing new under the sun! Every door that has been
    shut against me, that has made life difficult and unbearable, BE DESTROYED BY FIRE, in Jesus name.
  3. Lord, let the rain of Your goodness fall upon me HEAVILY, and
    let the rain of Your judgment fall HEAVILY upon my
    adversaries. Turn my impossibilities around TODAY.
  4. Pray about today! Pray in Tongues seriously today!

Our Daily Manna 13th May 2024


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