Our Daily Manna 14 June 2020
I am led to remind you that all the CELEBRATED “Js” in the Bible went through unexplainable destiny battles before they became ELEVATED “Js.” Take the count now Jesus, Jabez, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jephthah, and John the Baptist, etc, were initial societal rejects! Even their families never believed in them and nobody gave them a chance! See ODMDaily News & updates – CLICK HERE

Our Daily Manna 14 June 2020
Some were betrayed and lied against, and everything turned against them, but they made it at last! You don’t need a million people to like you, only one person positioned by heaven can be used to turn everything around in your life and destiny. The Bible says in Prov 16: 7 that when a man’s ways please the LORD, He (the LORD) will make his enemies to be at peace with him. I prophesy: THE GOD-FACTOR WILL OVERRIDE EVERY DESTINY BATTLE FACING YOU THIS YEAR in Jesus name. But you must pursue peace with God by pleasing Him daily.
Our Daily Manna 14 June 2020 – GOD OF THE “Js”: THEY WERE REJECTED!
Stop wasting your time looking for ways to please men. Stop trying to win their favour and stop trying to beg them to like you. Nobody, I mean no man, holds the star of your destiny. Only one Man does and His name is THE MORNING STAR! When you don’t understand your life and what you are going through, trust THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR and you will never end up in disgrace! I call the Js the J champions but never forget they were called “The J outcasts before they became The J overcomers! Refuse to quit now Your star is so great that your great battles will become great ELEVATION in Jesus name.
14-DAY WORLDWIDE FAST STARTS JULY 12TH. THE 2020 ANNUAL 14-DAY WORLDWIDE PRAYER and FASTING PROGRAM BEGINS SUNDAY JULY 12th 2020 and ends SATURDAY JULY 25th, 2020. Get your “WAR AGAINST HAMAN 15” and next ODM booklet NOW and start preparing! You will end the year well! Our Daily Manna 14 June 2020 – GOD OF THE “Js”: THEY WERE REJECTED!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: When the roll is called… ODM Hymns – CLICK HERE
- Pray generally about today’s word now as led.
- Repent from ways in which you have NOT trusted God enough this year.
- You defiant 2020 battle, your time is up; expire now in Jesus name.
- Lord, I refuse to SINK; I shall SOAR in Jesus name. SATAN, MY MOUTH IS YOUR DISGRACE THIS YEAR (2019) – “WHERE THE WORD OF A KING IS, THERE IS POWER”. pray seriously – CLICK HERE
- GOD OF THE “Js”, show up for me through my life’s race in Jesus name.
- Pray about today. Look up, trust God; THAT BATTLE WILL NOT LAST! Decree: “LORD, VISIT THE FOUNDATION OF MY BATTLES!”ODM 3RD EDITION 2020 IS OUT! When Life ZIGZAGS, ODM creates SANITY! GET YOUR COPIES NOW and for others!
On Saturday, June 27th 2020 we must all do a charity work worldwide! Show mercy! Our Daily Manna 14 June 2020 – GOD OF THE “Js”: THEY WERE REJECTED! THE 402 PRAYER POINTS SECTION OF OUR DAILY MANNA – I DECREE BY THE AUTHORITY… – CLICK HERE