Our Daily Manna 16 October 2018


Basic Scripture: Jeremiah 18: 1-10; 1 Corinthians 10: 13

There is this fable of a beautiful teacup on the shelf of a big supermarket. As buyers were admiring the teacup on the shelf, it suddenly spoke: “You don’t understand it said, “I haven’t always been a teacup. There was a time when I was red and dirty clay. My master took me and rolled me over and over and I cried out, ‘let me alone’, but he only smiled, Not yet.” Read Our Daily Manna 15 October 2018 – Topic: “THE 90/10 SECRET: REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS

Our Daily Manna 16 October 2018

Our Daily Manna 16 October 2018

Then I was placed in a spinning wheel and spinned round and round and round. ‘Stop it, I am getting dizzy.’ I cried but my master only nodded and said “Not yet.” Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. It was terrible heat. I screamed and wanted to jump out. But he nodded his head and said, “Not yet.” He opened the door and put me on the shelf to cool a little. Then he brushed and painted me all over and suddenly put me back into the oven again.

This time it was twice as hot. I begged and screamed but all he said was: “Not yet.” I was ready to give up (crack), but the door opened suddenly and he took me out and placed me on the shelf. One hour later he handed me a mirror and I couldn’t believe it was me. I looked beautiful. Then my master said, “Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first began with you, but you needed to pass through the fire, the spinning, the rolling, and the brushing.”

Oh, what a great parallel to God’s dealings with us as in today’s 1st Basic Scripture Vs 6b: “…Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in my hand, O house of Israel.” The 2nd scripture says God will not allow any battle bigger than you! Some of the trials and harsh difficulties/crosses you carry are because God is taking you to your appointed destiny. Mother Teresa once said: “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wished that He didn’t trust me so much.”

Our Daily Manna 16 October 2018

Shakti Gawain also penned: “Problems are messages.” No matter how 2018 has been and no matter what you have passed through or are passing through, or will pass through, never forget that God has a stronger purpose for allowing that battle. Soon, you will know why! Problems are messages! Hold on and hold out! Always CLICK HERE for – “THE ANOINTING SERVICES PLAN FOR THIS QUARTER (SATURDAYS)”

“HOUSEHOLD WICKEDNESS; VOMIT MY BLESSINGS!” The Lagos (LEKKI) Anointing Service is Saturday October 27th, TIME: 8am-11.30am. Theme: “HOUSEHOLD WICKEDNESS; VOMIT MY BLESSINGS!” Don’t miss it! Our Daily Manna 16 October 2018 – THE TEACUP LESSON: PROBLEMS ARE MESSAGES!

Prayer Points: Take any best song of worship to God.
1. Worship God and pray about today’s message as led.
2. Receive grace to win in life’s battles; Lord, turn my wounds to wisdom and problems to messages to my generation (Pray it seriously for two days)

3. Cancel end of year weeping! Pray the morning → Click here, afternoon → Click here and evening → Click here devotional prayers – Page 7.
4. Pray any other Prayer(s) as led. Pray for travelers!


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