Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023 – THE CIA PROJECT – THE SPY CAT!

Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023


Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023
Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023


The CIA or Central Intelligence Agency, is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States federal government. In 1960, they wanted to create a spy agent in a cat, to spy on their enemy, Russia.

The cat’s job was to eavesdrop on two men in a park outside the Soviet embassy in Washington, DC. A specialist veterinarian surgeon was tasked to wire up the cat by implanting a micro radio transmitter at the base of the skull, while a battery was hidden in the flesh.

Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023 – THE CIA PROJECT – THE SPY CAT!

This project cost the CIA about 20 million dollars to execute. But unfortunately, they could not control the cat as it did not obey their directives. The project failed. Wow! 20 million dollars gone and wasted on a failed project. This may look like a science project that is only possible in the scientific realm, but I tell you, this happens each day in the spiritual realm.

Oh! So many people are under the watchful eyes of enemies. But for you, the Bible says “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.” You will NEVER be among their victims!

Any evil spy project is made null and void by the power of the Holy Ghost NOW. Did you know that it is not just animals that demons use? They use humans as well. The CIA knew that cats can go anywhere without being suspected, the same way that enemies use those from our household, thinking that we will not suspect them.

They are jokers! Whoever or whatever enemies have sown as spies around you, their craft and enterprise are disappointed. One thing gives me confidence against the devil. There is always a loophole in their plans concerning you!

No wonder the Bible says if they come as a flood, the Lord will raise a standard against them. I decree: Any SPY PLAN in your life is failing right now in Jesus name.

ONLINE -“MORNINGFIREwithBishopChris”-Today 7am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: There’s not a friend…

Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023 – THE CIA PROJECT – THE SPY CAT!

  1. Father, frustrate the crafty schemes of my enemies and render them ineffective by fire.
  2. I declare my confidence in God’s ability to thwart the plans of my enemies.

  3. LORD, raise a STANDARD against every adversary spying against my destiny in Jesus name.

  4. Lord, disappoint the tokens of liars; make them fight themselves and RUN MAD!
  5. Pray about today as led.

Our Daily Manna 18 November 2023 – THE CIA PROJECT – THE SPY CAT!


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