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Our Daily Manna 18 September 2024

Our Daily Manna 18 September 2024



V s. 8 of today’s scripture CLICK HERE FOR BASIC SCRIPTURES says: “And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.” Aaron’s ROD blossomed within 24 hours! I decree DIVINE SPEED into your life, family and ministry! Out of 12 rods, it was Aaron’s ROD that was selected. I decree today: YOU SHALL BE CHOSEN and SELECTED BY FAVOUR! Stop comparing yourself to others because YOU ARE DIFFERENT. I just heard that the LORD will pick you out from the multitude! The Holy Ghost is also speaking to a user of today’s devotional: I SHALL CAUSE YOU TO BLOSSOM AGAIN though you have seen a season of DRYNESS and STRUGGLE! I shall change your new season into THE BLOSSOMING PHASE! My face shall shine upon you again and your hands shall be RENEWED in blessings and your LABOUR shall not be CAST IN VAIN! You shall see the fruit in a hurry and you shall see a NEW SEASON of greenness and freshness! You shall BUD again and you shall be called the land of the MULTITUDE because a banner of BLOSSOMING SIGNS AND WONDERS RESULTS shall hang again over your land! Oh, lift up your hands and praise the LORD now!

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6:30am (Nigerian time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. Oh, my HIGH PRIEST; cause my ROD (my life, family and
    ministry) to BLOSSOM again and again and again!
  3. I reject dryness! I shall be watered to bud and to blossom.
  4. The ANOINTING OF FAVOUR and PROSPERITY of the body,
    soul and spirit; FALL ON ME AGAIN!
  5. From this day and this season, men shall envy me and I SHALL
    NOT BE PITIED in Jesus name.
  6. The hands of Jesus were wounded and the hole is still there!
    He was wounded for my FLOURISHING! Whatever I lay my
    hands upon must prosper! Every CURSE IS BROKEN (Pray it
    for 7 days/ 7 nights).
  7. Pray about today and declare Psalm 1.
  8. Pray Psalm 1: 3 many times as led.

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