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Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2 – WHAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED

Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2


Basic Scripture: Job 9: 1-12

In life we try to explain things that happen around us. Science tries to find an explanation for almost
everything. Science tries to know the rationale behind every phenomenon. In spite of this, science has not been able to explain everything. Click here to read Our Daily Manna January 1 2019 – “A RETURN THAT CAUSED CELEBRATION!


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new our daily manna 2019


 Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2

There are things that will remain difficult to explain; they are mysteries and may remain mysterious! Today’s scripture says in verse 10, “Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” God does things past finding out. How can you explain how Abraham and Sarah had a child in their very old age? How can you explain how God brought water out of the rock for Israel to drink? How can you explain how a road was created in the midst of the Red sea for the children to walk through on dry ground?

And this brings to mind the story a man of God told, of a great wonder God did in his church. I woman has been told she couldn’t have children. The specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology had told her that her womb could not carry children! She told the specialist to put what he had told her into writing in the form of a report. The doctor gave her the report which she took and laid on God’s altar. Prayers were made on her behalf. Shortly afterwards, she became pregnant. Because the couple were prosperous, they decided not to take any risk with having the child, so they travelled abroad to deliver the baby by surgery.

She was put to sleep and the surgery was done; two babies were brought out of her. When she woke up from anesthesia, she saw everybody looking at her in bewilderment. At first, she feared if anything had happened to her babies. On inquiry, she was told nothing was wrong with the children. Later, the doctor who did the surgery told her a most intriguing experience: He had done over 3,ooo of such surgeries and that her case was the first time in his life to would bring out babies from a woman without finding a womb! Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2 – WHAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED

How can you explain that? This woman carries two babies for 9 months without a womb! Don’t try to figure out in your head how God will turn your STORY TO GLORY! The God who makes a way where there is no way and causes springs of water to burst forth into the wilderness will do it for you this year! Just keep holding on and hold out until victory comes! The testimony that CANNOT BE EXPLAINED is coming out of your life, family and ministry this year in Jesus name! Pray now!

Get your “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-14” booklet and start preparing for another worldwide 21-day fasting programme (5th-25th January 2019!)! Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2 – WHAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED

PRAYER POINTS: Take to God your best worship song.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.

2. LORD, do what the WORLD CANNOT EXPLAIN concerning the following issues of my life, family and ministry (mention them now and pray it for 3 days and nights). Our Daily Manna 2019 January Day 2 – WHAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago

Amen and amen

Lutangu Muhali
Lutangu Muhali
6 years ago

To God be the glory Amen and Amen.

6 years ago

Happy New Year 2019!
Thank for great word to day.
Am praying for what cannot be explained in this items:
1. To clear debts that have stolen my peace for the last 38 years SINCE I WAS BORN HAVE BEEN TOMMENTED BY DEBTS.
2. To get unconditional promotion at work or i open my own business.
3. To buy a land for my family and build a house.

AMEN! AMEN! 2019

6 years ago

Amen. I am blessed

6 years ago


Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
6 years ago

Amen Man of God happy New year 2019

Bernice yaa
Bernice yaa
6 years ago

Oh God let what cannot be explained locate me and my future in Jesus name, turn my story around. Amen

Tabe Sandra
Tabe Sandra
6 years ago

Oh yes He does wonders with out number. He is supernatural and great are His ways. Lord do it for my mum and friend Rene in a manner which cannot be explained in Jesus name

Angela Levi
Angela Levi
6 years ago

Thank you Jesus. Oh God let what can not be explained how it manifested greatly happen to my marriage this year 2019.I want to marry this year. Amen

Felicia Arhin
Felicia Arhin
6 years ago

The God who does things that cannot be explained, please help me clear all my debt. Its a burden on me. Confusion in my marriage that every week there is something to fight about. Father please open my womb once again

5 years ago

lord i pray for what can not be explained to happen to me.
i pray and ask for the following’
1.To get out of debt from my bank
2.To get upto date with my rentals find money and send my daughters and sons to school by paying there school fees in full have peace and good relationship with my five children business to boom again.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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