Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 – TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!

08133720807Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021



There is a story of a woman who was always going to the sea to catch fish anytime she wanted to cook fish for her family. Her daughter noticed that whenever she brought the fish home, she would cut the fish into two, and throw away a small part.

Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 - TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!
Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 – TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!

The daughter asked to know why. The mother was caught by surprise. She could not answer. She told her daughter, “That’s how mother used to prepare her fish.” A couple of days later, that little girl had the opportunity to go to her grandma’s house and the first question she asked was, “Why do you cut the fish into two and throw away one part?”

Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 – TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!

Grandma too could not answer. All she said was, “That’s how my mother used to prepare her fish…” Fortunately for the little girl, great grandma was still alive. She begged mummy to take her there. She wanted answers to her question. Listen: A Life Of No Boundaries Begins With Seeking The Right Answers. Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 – TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!

Great grandma was old and feeble and she had to strain her ears to hear the little girl’s question. She told her, “I had a small pot and usually cut the fish so that it would be able to enter my pot.” Somehow, this practice passed on to the grandmother and to the mother of this little girl, even though their own pots were big enough to hold the entire fish. Wow!

They were limited in their thinking, until this little girl asked a question. Who says that you cannot be blessed? Who says that you cannot be more successful than the people who have gone ahead of you? If there is no one in your family who has broken the million naira barrier, who says that you can’t?

Our Daily Manna 21 August 2021 – TOPIC: SHE LOOKED FOR GRANDMA!

It is time to break those limitations and boundaries and reach out for all that God has in store for you. The kind of victorious life that God has prepared for us as His children is a life that is without limits and boundaries. For most believers, it is hard to imagine this kind of life. The experiences of the past are so strong in their minds that they FORGET THAT THE GOD YOU SERVE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!

Why is He called “ALMIGHTY” (EL-SHADDAI)? The full breasted One (Gen 17: 1)? He is ENOUGH! He is ALL-SUFFICIENT! He is ABLE! He cannot be LIMITED and you cannot be LIMITED because YOUR BEST IS YET TO COME! Look up to HIM and resist every SATANIC BOUNDARY!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Higher ground…
1. Pray about any personal lesson learnt from today’s word.
2. Father, Break Off Every Limitation That I Inherited From My Parents. Break Every Limit NOW! NOW! NOW!

  1. I decree: Every evil curse received from my lineage, limiting me back maritally, financially, etc, CATCH FIRE!
  2. STAGNATION: I am not your candidate! The ALMIGHTY is my God. I am moving FORWARD and HIGHER from this day in Jesus name.




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