Our Daily Manna 22 March 2025

Dominique Pelicot, a 71-year-old man in France, was accused of drugging his wife to sleep and recruiting dozens of men (about 50) to abuse her for over 10 years! He admitted to all the charges against him – referring to the 50 co-defendants who were accused of raping his now ex-wife Ms. Gisèle. Mr. Pelicot said: “I am a rapist like the others in this room. They all knew, they cannot say the contrary.” Of his ex-wife, Mr. Pelicot said: “She did not deserve this.” Gisèle (the ex-wife) who was given the chance to respond shortly after, said: “For 50 years, I lived with a man who I would’ve never imagined could be capable of this. I trusted him completely.” Oh my God! BROKEN TRUST – TRUCE BREAKERS (see vs. 3)! How can a man drug his wife and hire about 50 men to rape her turn by turn in a period of 10 years? Vs. 1 of today’s scriptures talks about the LAST DAYS! It says it will be PERILOUS (TOUGH TIMES and ECONOMY, etc)! Vs. 13 now throws a bombshell: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse…” Note the words: “EVIL MEN.” A man who can hire 50 men to rape his wife continuously is EVIL and the Holy Ghost wants you to know that as you go out daily in 2025, EVIL MEN AND WOMEN will get worse and worse! They are in your family, office, church, residential yard, market place, etc. That is why your PRAYER AND WORD LIFE must INCREASE WITH MORE FIRE THIS YEAR! Never postpone prayer or Bible studies! Fast once a week and live holy – AND EVIL MEN and WOMEN will lick your dust in Jesus name! ODM IS THE BEST WEDDING, GRADUATION OR ANNIVERSARY, ETC, GIFT ITEM. USE IT ALWAYS AS A GIFT! Our Daily Manna 22 March 2025
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE PRAYERS” – Today 7am (Nigerian time) via Facebook & Youtube.
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as you are led.
- I decree: WICKEDNESS of the end times, shall not swallow
my destiny! - I decree: EVIL MEN and women of the last days shall lick my
dust and bow to me in Jesus name. - Lord, I am a pilgrim through this barren land; lead me from the
wilderness of SHAME. Our Daily Manna 22 March 2025 - My Father God, I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with
Thy powerful hand! DELIVER my family and ministry from
EVIL MEN (Pray it seriously). - Pray in Tongues and dedicate your life to the LORD
again now. - Pray about any other issue(s) affecting your peace