Our Daily Manna 22 May 2024 THE SIX RATS: “IT IS SETTLED!”

Our Daily Manna 22 May 2024


Daily Manna
Daily Manna


Welcome! Share with me this short puzzle: “You just came into the house and saw six rats. The 1st rat was eating your B.Sc Certificate, the 2nd rat was eating your NYSC Certificate, the 3rd rat was eating your Marriage Certificate, the 4th rat was eating your land and house documents, the 5th rat was eating your Visa to travel for a multi-million dollar project, and the 6th rat was eating your Bible. If you were to kill the rats, which of the six rats would you kill first? Humanly speaking, you will go for the rat that is eating what you love most or what is most important to you. Remember that we studied in Economics the concept of scale of preference which deals with giving preference to the most important needs or things and arranging them in the order of their importance. Which of the six items is most important to you? Most people will first attack the rat eating the multi-million dollar visa. Most housewives would kill the rat eating their marriage certificate. Job seekers would first kill the rat eating their B.Sc certificate or NYSC certificate. Very few people would first kill the rat that is eating up their Bible! That tells us where the hearts of most believers are. “For where your treasure is, that is where your heart would be!” But, did you know that every other thing on earth will perish and pass away, and only the Word of God will stand the test of time? Did you also know that the Word of God has the capacity to reproduce and restore whatever was lost? That is why you must choose the Word above any other thing on earth. Psalm 119:89 says: “Forever O LORD, Thy word is settled in heaven.” Did you get that? The Word of God is settled in heaven and NOTHING can UNSETTLE it on earth and indeed in your life! And if it is settled in heaven, it can SETTLE any battle confronting you on earth. In this year of Divine Performance, God’s Word will perform on every case, enemy and challenge facing you this year in Jesus name. So, get your priorities right and never quit! Hold on and hold out! Pray now! Our Daily Manna 22 May 2024

(Give out at least 5 ODM copies and send a message to orderodm@gmail.com and I shall send you Prayers on the “Psalm of Victory in War”).

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Great is Thy faithfulness…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word generally as led now.
  2. Repent from ways in which you have chosen other
    things above God’s Word.
  3. Lord, this year, I choose Your Word above all things concerning my life, family and ministry. I shall
    pursue spiritual things above all (Pray it seriously). 4. Father, let Your SETTLED Word, SETTLE my case and
    battles this year by fire. Our Daily Manna 22 May 2024
  4. Pray about today

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