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Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018 – TOPIC: POWER TO….NO GIFTS FOR SHOW!

Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018



Your God, JEHOVAH, does not just give you ANYTHING or SPECIAL GIFTS for pride or for idleness! He is a God that attaches all He does to a PURPOSE! The power He gives is for a purpose like in Luke 10: 19 – “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Did you get that? POWER TO…! But hear this: You are to use the power to obey Him in witnessing and advertising Him to the world.

Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018

Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018

You are to use POWER in order for the world to know again that JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever! He wants you to use POWER or RICHES to GLORIFY HIM! Catch this secret: If you want more than ordinary power, if you want superior power, the secret is simple: you must be extraordinarily involved in evangelism! You must be passionate in evangelism – WINNING OF SOULS! Spend your time AND RESOURCES in soul winning (Acts 5:14- 16).

What made Peter special? When others were speaking in tongues, he was always standing up to preach! Also, demons saw just the handkerchief from PAUL and they ran! Why? Because Paul was always witnessing about Jesus!It will amaze you that it was Peter and Paul that raised the dead! For example, you can buy more ODM copies and send to your village or give to families! Jesus gave a command, ”Go ye into the world and win souls.” It is a direct command; not a DISCUSSION!

I got Born Again on Feb 3rd 1976, and as a young man, I said to myself then: “If I am going to be a Christian, I want to bea powerful one; I want to be so powerful that even the devil will know my name.” Remember the last TBS program and that grandmother who called my name? Oh, I hate to sit on the fence – LUKEWARMNESS, because Jesus said you can DO GREATER WORKS THAN HE DID! My DAILY PRAYER is that I shall get to that level! So, just like He told ABRAHAM, He is using today’s devotional to say to you: I SHALL BLESS YOU TO BE A BLESSING!

Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018

So, start today! More evangelism in your little way and EXPECT more POWER in His big way! Pray seriously now!

Get and give out the NEXT EDITION ODM Booklet as a SPECIAL GIFT item for weddings, anniversaries, dedications, birthdays, etc, to bless a soul! WEDDING GOWN ATTACKERS MUST GO – at ZAMBIA LUSAKA Anointing service – Next Saturday September 29TH! Be there!

PRAYER POINTS: Take a song of victory to God.
1. Thank you LORD for the gift of PURPOSE and the gift of GRACE! No SATANIC ant will alter or manipulate my purpose!

2. I shall end up as GOLD and I shall be envied by men/ women and not PITIED in Jesus name (Pray it seriously). Our Daily Manna 23 September 2018
3. Pray about today and CANCEL the LOSS ofsomething special!

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago

Glory!! Amen

Sylvester Patrick
Sylvester Patrick
5 years ago

I am grateful to be a member of ODM reader. Through this wonderful and powerful spiritual book, i am not a spiritual and physical terrorist now, and through this book my life is worth emulating. Peace Profound! Bless you and more light to your paths!

Sylvester Patrick
Sylvester Patrick
5 years ago

I am grateful to be a member of ODM reader. Through this wonderful and powerful spiritual book, i am now a spiritual and physical terrorist now, and through this book my life is worth emulating. Peace Profound! Bless you and more light to your paths!

Sylvester Patrick
Sylvester Patrick
5 years ago

I am grateful to be a member of ODM reader. Through this wonderful and powerful spiritual book, i am now a spiritual and physical terrorist in the darkest kingdom, and through this book my life is worth emulating. Peace Profound! Bless you and more light to your paths!

Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
5 years ago

Amen and Amen to God be the glory.

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