Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019 – WHAT WILL YOU SAY OF THE LORD?

Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019



Today’s scripture is one of the most powerful scriptures many people all over the world have used to secure protection and deliverance from the attacks of the enemy (demonic and human attacks included). Notice what David said in Verse 2, “I will say of the Lord.” And the Holy Ghost is asking you today: “What will you say and what are you saying of the Lord?” David was bold to call the Lord his refuge and fortress.

Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019
Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019

Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019

That was why Goliath could not kill him. That was why Saul could not hurt him. That was why he lived in the territory of the Philistines for many years when he was running away from Saul (remember that he killed Goliath their champion), yet they could not bring his destiny down! He trusted the Lord to keep him and preserve him, and he was bold to SAY IT! Oh, see Vs. 2 again: “I will say of the Lord.” Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019 – WHAT WILL YOU SAY OF THE LORD?

As 2019 ends and 2020 begins, if you are going to see God’s deliverance and preservation, you must say the right things of the Lord. Resist the lies of the devil and tell him that “DELAY is not DENIAL. My God is good.” Despite delays or any battle confronting you, you can say daily of the LORD: “He is my SHEPHERD and STORM COVER!” You can say of the LORD: “He is my TESTIMONY and He is my SURE HELPER!” Yes! You can call Tihe LORD: “My PRESENT HELP in any trouble; never too late and never too early.”

You can scream aloud: “Jehovah is my ON-TIME God.” Halleluyah! If you are going to see God’s provision you must say the right thing of the Lord. That was what Abraham said in Genesis 22:8, “The Lord will provide Himself a lamb for the sacrifice.” His words became a tool to create his divine provision. What will you say of the Lord? Begin to say it now as you pray and worship Him!!! From the ODM crew, we wish you a merry Christmas!

Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019

Today is Christmas Day! 2020 January 21-day fasting prayers! The 2020 ODM and “War Against Haman – 15” booklets are out! Give them out as Christmas/New Year gift items. Get your copies from any bookshop now! Give to Family/Friends this month! The “War Against Haman-15” booklet contains the 2020 January 21-day fasting prayers!

PRAYER POINTS Take any song of adoration as led now.
1. In your own words, pray over today’s word as led.
2. Decree now: The Lord is my refuge and my fortress; He is my shelter from every storm, my shield from every attack. I shall not be hurt or wounded in Jesus name.

Our Daily Manna 25 December 2019 – WHAT WILL YOU SAY OF THE LORD?

  1. Father, thank you for Your angels that keep watch over me day and night. Arrow of death that has been fashioned against my life and ministry, DISINTEGRATE BY FIRE NOW, in Jesus name.
  2. Pray about today seriously and pray about the remaining days of this year!

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5 years ago

God bles you sir,I wish you a merry Xmas and prosperous new in advance.

5 years ago

Merry Christmas sir. New unction to function and fresh anointing for year 2020 in Jesus name.

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