Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020
Welcome! A French proverb says: “To believe a thing impossible
is to make it so.” Your God Jehovah says: “I am the God of all flesh, nothing is too hard for Me.” Indeed, the positive thinker of faith in God, sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible! Share with me this testimony bullet below from a user of this devotional. I have withheld the names on request. Let the Holy Ghost use this testimony to move you from a season of dryness and drought to a season of DIVINE WATER FLOW! “Dear Sir, my mum introduced me to Our Daily Manna around September last year and I started following it conscientiously, after which I partook in the 21- day fasting program of this year and I listed all l wanted God to do for me, that totalled 22 in number or more. Our Daily Manna Today And Everyday – CLICK HERE

Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020
By February this year, I made the sum of N200,000.00 (two hundred thousand naira after years of prolonged drought of money! On getting same, I read the part of Daily Manna that talked about paying First fruit. Much as I tried to avoid that section, it kept re-occurring in subsequent pages of the devotion, so I had no choice than to pay in the whole amount into Our Daily Manna’s account without touching a penny and no hope of other funds. Immediately I did that, the woman we went to bank together with dashed me NI5,000.00 on the spot for my faith and the whole month went that way, only for me to receive a whopping sum of N8,000,000.00 (8 million naira) in March from UNEXPECTED QUARTERS which I paid my tithe from and ever since, God has been more than faithful to me… Wow! The drought was broken!
Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020 – THE DROUGHT IS OVER!
In today’ scripture, Vs 1, the DRYNESS (drought) was prophesied, but 1 Kings 18:41 says: “And Elijah said unto Ahab, ‘Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound abundance of rain.” I also hear a word saying: “TELL MY PEOPLE, THE DROUGHT IS OVER!” If The Drought And Economic Adversity Cannot Stop You From Giving, It Will Never Stop You From Receiving! When the Spirit of God is inspiring you to take a step of faith, DON’T LET ANYTHING STOP YOU! Your step of faith will usher you into a new season of unending abundance! I am led to ask you to obey Him and sow a seed for 40 Air conditioners (5 TONS each) for the Manna Mountain Lagos! LET ME KNOW WHAT THE LORD WILL HAVE YOU DO! I see someone’s TURN-AROUND tied to this need!
Reach me via orderodm@gmail.com or +234-903 264 8292 (whatsapp and voice calls or texts). Thank you LORD for that upcoming testimony! Amen. Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020 – THE DROUGHT IS OVER! Our Daily Manna Today And Everyday – CLICK HERE
In the storms of life, ODM is LIFE’S PARACHUTE It’s the best anniversary, wedding, birthday or general GIFT ITEM! Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020 – THE DROUGHT IS OVER!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Standing on the promises… – CLICK HERE
1. In your own words, pray over today’s word as led now.
2. I decree a reversal of all losses, and an end to all drought, in
Jesus name. Lord, use this AIR CONDITIONERS SEED as a point of contact to end every season of drought! sI trust You Lord! Our Daily Manna 26 April 2020 – THE DROUGHT IS OVER!
The Month’s Anointing Service 2020 – THEME: LORD, REMEMBER ME!
- Lord, by Your ANOINTING, take away dryness! Open my heavens again!
- Pray about today as led.