Our Daily Manna 26 December 2022 – 20 YEARS OF AFFLICTION DISAPPEARED!

During the last end-of-14-day fast WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE which took place at the MANNA MOUNTAIN headquarters at Ogudu Orioke, via Ojota, I was led to call out many cases of affliction and battles. Many were healed instantly and there were predominant cases of KNEE CAP HEALINGS! Wow!
A certain woman testified: “I was healed of more than 20 years of very serious knee pain when Bishop first prayed for knee recovery cases during the service! The pain disappeared instantly.” Yes! It was public joy as this woman ran all over! Others testified of diverse healings, signs and wonders! It was a service where the awesome presence of God showed up!
I am led to tell you never to miss the 2023 January 27th World Anointing NIGHT service at the same venue – MANNA MOUNTAIN OGUDU ORIOKE LAGOS. Time is 8pm till 3am. It will be a time of prayers, 114 marital connection yokes broken, 1,489 healings, signs and wonders! The LORD says in that night, there will be 23 premature death cancellations! He will put a new crown of honour on 1,236 careers and business names! The Lord is showing me that after that night and beginning from TODAY’s devotional, someone’s nickname shall be “TURNAROUND ARENA” (TAA).
Your life’s testimony will draw a crowd to your God as in today’s scripture because there shall be walking, leaping and dancing! I see LAUGHTER that cannot be described! I see LAUGHTER KILLERS being disgraced from this day! Amen and amen! Whether your haters like it or not, your God will do the incredible and show you that HE IS TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL! Hold on and hold out! (Give out ODM and “War Against Haman – 18” copies as NEW YEAR GIFT ITEMS).
PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 1: When the morning comes…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
- I decree that nothing shall make me miss the 2023 January
World Anointing Service at the Lagos MANNA Mountain headquarters! - Lord, from this day, do the INCREDIBLE and the IMPOSSIBLE in my life, family and ministry (pray seriously).
- Lord God, through my life, let men and women see that YOU ARE THE TURN-AROUND GOD (Pray it for 48 hours – 2 days as led)!
- Cancel every end-of-year bad news NOW!
- Pray about today and about any other issue(s) affecting your peace.