Our Daily Manna 4 February 2024

In advanced countries of the world, farmers are under increasing pressure to reduce their use of herbicides and other chemicals which are capable of contaminating ground and surface water, affecting wildlife and non-target plants. Moreover, they have also been linked to the increased risk of cancer as well as the rise in herbicide-resistant weeds. A company called,Carbon Robotics, and some other firms, now make robots that kill weeds. Shay Myers, a third generation farmer, has two robots, which he began to use in 2020 to kill weeds in his 12-hectare (30-acre) farm. The robots, which resemble a small car, move through a plantation of onions in his Ohio farm uprooting weeds as they go. Ten years ago, this was unthinkable! Each robot can destroy 100,000 weeds an hour, according to Carbon Robotics. Oh! When we read the scriptures, it says IN THE LAST DAYS, KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Daniel 12: 4) and we wonder how. Do you know that we now haveTAXIS WITHOUT DRIVERS? They drive themselves to your destination! We now have robots acting as waiters in restaurants! Oh, I see many losing their jobs due to science! Ah in 2024, BELIEVE GOD’S WORD! HE CANNOT LIE! Likewise, God’s plans with regards to the world we live in today, will come to pass -The Rapture will take place someday, the Anti-Christ will be revealed someday, the 1000-year reign of Christ, otherwise known as THE MILLENNIAL REIGNwill become a reality someday. Oh, a time will come when death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire; God will wipe away tears from our eyes, pain will be gone, sickness and disease will be forgotten. Today’s scripture Vs. 13-14 emphatically admonishes us that because these things (a new heaven, etc) will come to pass, we must “be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless.” God’s Word is not a mirage, it’s no fiction; it is a reality. If you are still without Christ, turn to him now. If sin still lingers in your life, repent and put your house in order now! No matter your battles, just HOLD ON AND HOLD OUT even as you prepare for your eternity! Our Daily Manna 4 February 2024
JOIN ME TONIGHT 8PM-9PM LAGOS TIME ONLINE – PROPHETIC MIRACLES, FIRE PRAYERS TO BEGIN YOUR WEEK, Via Facebook Live: ourdailymannaworldwide; Instagram Live; ourdailymanna_bishopchris & Youtube: Manna TV International. Be ready to pray!
Sometimes I am led to call NAMES and release a Prophetic WORD /direction/ Warning for those who log in. This is your day! (Also, expect a crucial health TIP every Sunday Night).
PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 3: When the morning comes…
- Lord, Your Word cannot lie! Help me to trust You more in this year
- DELAY IS NOT A DENIAL! God is not a man that He should lie! His
Word will come to pass in my life, family and ministry! - I decree that I will not MISS GOD AND HIS END TIME PLANS! I
shall not miss the RAPTURE! I shall not miss heaven! So help me
God! - Pray about today and loose the salvation of souls in this year 2024
(Pray it seriously).
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