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Our Daily Manna 5th May 2024 BREAKING DEMOTION ARROWS

Our Daily Manna 5th May 2024


Our Daily Manna Worldwide
Our Daily Manna Worldwide

A preacher went for a meeting sometime ago and when the time came for offerings to be received, God spoke to him and asked him to give ten thousand dollars.


He looked to the man sitting beside him and said, ‘Sir, did you just say something…” The neighbour shook his head and said, “NO…” The preacher began to sweat profusely. He could not understand. Ten thousand dollars! His first EXCUSE was, “God, that’s all that I have.” Before he could finish with that excuse, God told him, “That’s all I ask for…” There is a very common saying about giving: The hand of the giver is always on top. If you believe in that saying, you will never have difficulty with giving. The common EXCUSE people give is this: “I don’t have.” Yet the truth is this: God will never tell you to give if He knows that you don’t have. When you give EXCUSES instead of GIVING SEED, you are pushing yourself further and deeper into the dungeon of LACK, MORE STRUGGLE AND POVERTY! No amount of prayer or anointing oil will be able to draw you out of that dungeon. Give what you have. Start with the little that you have and God will increase you. I love the words of Mother Theresa, one of the greatest lovers and givers this generation has ever seen, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one. God will not hit your head for not feeding hundred people if He has given you the resources to feed only one person.” Start where you are and God will increase you. Remember the preacher in today’s devotional! ASSIGNMENT: I am led to ask you to sow towards feeding just one person or as many as you are led to feed.It is the ODM FOOD BANK SEED.

Sow into any account on page 29 of ODM and send an e-mail to I shall send you 3 special prayers against DEMOTION ARROWS!

TONIGHT 8PM – OPERATION-SETTLE-YOUR-WEEK WITH GOD! Also called: PROPHETIC RAIN. I could call your name as led and we shall all PRAY FOR YOU! Connect via FACEBOOK LIVE: “ourdailymannaworldwide” YOUTUBE: Manna TV International

PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 1: Stand up for Jesus…

  1. Pray generally as you have been ministered to by today’s WORD.
  2. Father, bless my FOOD BANK SEED as I sow it to help A
    SOUL! LORD, let my harvest come to me SPEEDILY and FULLY.
  3. Commit yourself to give towards this ODM Vision today. If you
    have been blessed by it, SOW back into this ministry as led.
    There shall be NO LOSS!
  4. Pray about today and scatter SHAME!

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