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Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris – THE PASTURE IS COMING!

Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris


Basic Scriptures: Psalm 65: 12; Genesis 21: 1-8

No ground was designed be God to be barren. Every ground on the face of the earth carries a valuable treasure – either plant or mineral resources. Take particular note of today’s first scripture, Vs 12: “They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side.” Click  here to read – Our Daily Manna 5 October 2018 – NO VALOUR; NO VICTORY

daily bible study

Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris

Pasture means a land full of green grass situated for animal grazing! Wow! PASTURE (GREEN GRASS) IN THE WILDERNESS! That is good news to me because a wilderness is usually a barren land; empty, dry and almost useless. But when God visits that wilderness, all that intended by God for that wilderness will begin to show up: There is a pasture (GREEN GRASS AND FRUITFULNESS) for every wilderness

The Holy Ghost is saying today: Even as 2018 ends, REFUSE TO WEEP or dwell in ANXIETY! Yea! Wombs will open and there shall be babies for every forgotten woman. Your testimony will shock the medical world! Yes, there are customers, high value customers, for every struggling and dried business! Just as God filled the wilderness with pastures, and then goes ahead to clothe the pastured with flocks, God will adorn your life with pastures (decorated land of grass).

People will see his glory upon you and they ill be forced to honour you. You will not only shout and celebrate with others for what God has done for them; countless people will come to you and celebrate with you. As 2018 ends, shout of joy and rejoicing will be heard in your home, in your business affairs and in your ministry in Jesus name. Sarah asked in Vs 7 of our second scripture, “who would have said o Abraham that Sarah would nurse children?” Only God can answer the unusual and back It up with unusual demonstrations of His power!

Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris

Only God can call those things which be not as though they were! If He calls you fruitful, it makes no difference what the doctors have said; HIS WORD WILL BE FULFILLED. If He calls you blessed, it makes no difference what the economy is saying. His blessings will enrich and increase you on all sides. If He calls you healed, sickness has to bow and leave your body.

I decree over you today: Every word that God has spoken concerning you will be established, in Jesus name. Get ready for the PASTURES in every WILDERNESS! Amen! Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: When the morning comes…
1. Thank God for His Word over you. His Word cannot fail.

2. I receive green pastures over my life, family and ministry. I speak fruitfulness to myself today! (Lay your hands on your head and decree fruitfulness and GREEN PASTURES)

3. I receive GREEN PASTURES over my life! (Lay your hands on your wallet and cheque book (or debit/credit card) and degree fruitfulness). Our Daily Manna 6 October 2018 By Bishop Chris – THE PASTURE IS COMING!

4. I receive green pastures over my life and family today! (Lay hands on your children and decree fruitfulness). Speak fruitfulness wherever they are right now. If you don’t have children right yet, lay hands on your loins and decree fruitfulness over your unborn/adopted children. Shout it out many times: “I AM BLESSED AND FRUITFUL.”

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