Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018 – TOPIC: MELANIA TRUMP: IT’S NO BIG DEAL! MOVE ON!

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018



Recently, Mrs. Melania Trump (wife of USA president) hosted a group of children aged between 10-13years old. The venue was the Blue Room of the White House, the official residence of the American President. That day, the Blue Room was set like a classroom for the children. Alongside Education Secretary (Minister), Betsy Devos, Mrs. Trump asked the students to write on a board how they were feeling.

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018

The First Lady said she had gathered the children at the White House to hear about their thoughts and challenges in order to help children everywhere to do their best. She wrote that she felt “EXCITED”. Two of the children wrote that they felt “Respected”, “Grateful” and “Nervous.” However, towards the end of the event, one of the students who had written that he felt, “Energized,” accidentally knocked a drinking glass of water off a table.

He froze, but the First Lady put a comforting hand on his back. Shethen said,“Noproblem. Don’t worry, it’s just water.” But Mrs. Trump was saying to the boy (paraphrased), “It’s a mistake alright, but spilled water even with all the cameras in a famous house is no big deal.” In life, there are some things that have happened to you, there are mistakes you have made, there are some experiences that you have passed through that you consider to be big deals, but God may not be looking at those things AS BIG DEALS Because He has BIGGER DEALS FOR YOUR TOMORROW!

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018

He wants you to forget them and move ahead! Wow! Wonderful God! Hear what a wise man said: “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves: 1. Regret for the past. 2. Fear of the future.” Yes! THESE ARE TWO THIEVES YOU MUST AVOID! Too many people cry over “spilt milk!” Many cry over past mistakes! Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018

Some cry/worry over what people said about them! Even if you lost some money in a business deal or someone disappointed/betrayed you, yes, those things are true but don’t consider them as big deals! They are like that “spilled water” in a famous house! Don’t cry over them! There is a comforting Hand on your back that is saying, “It’s no big deal! Don’t worry,everything is going to be alright! MOVE ON! Your best days are just ahead!” Amen!

THE U.S.A. TELEPHONE ANOINTING SERVICE WITH DR. CHRIS IS SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2018. TEL NO: +1-712-432- 0075 and Access code is 374042. Time is 6.00 a.m. Central Time. Anybody from any nation can phone in! Get your anointing oil ready! Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best song of worship. ODM Hymns 2018

1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led! Our Daily Manna 6 September 2018 – TOPIC: MELANIA TRUMP: IT’S NO BIG DEAL! MOVE ON!

2. Ask for the comfort of the Holy Spirit concerning past, seemingly painful experiences.

3. O God, help me to forgive myself and others who have caused me PAIN. Pray about today.


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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago


5 years ago

God bless you Pastor. Remember me in your prayers.

Rose Nyame
Rose Nyame
5 years ago

Please add the afternoon daily prayer point .
Thank you

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