Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th



Every day, Christians all over the world recite the last verse of Psalm 23, but very few people really understand what it means. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life. Do you know that if something is following you, you ought to know the purpose for it.

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th - TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY
Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

You always confess that the goodness and mercy of the Lord is following you, yet you don’t expect it to work for you! One Bible version puts it this way – “ONLY GOODNESS AND KINDNESS PURSUE ME, all the days of my life…” In John 10:9, Jesus describes the life of a sheep that is in His fold. He said that “If any man enter in by Me, he shall be saved and he shall go in and out and find pasture.” As a sheep of God’s fold, He has given you His goodness and mercy to accompany you every day of your life to everywhere that you go.

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

OH! CATCH THIS: The goodness of the Lord will cause good things to happen to you everywhere you go; while His mercy will prevent evil things from prevailing in your life. Understanding this will put you in a different realm. You will no more be moved by the things happening to people around you or your nation Only one thing will count: what the goodness and mercy of the Lord can do. Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

What the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is: “I am the LORD! With my goodness and mercy accompanying you, you need not fear any EVIL, SHAME, OR FAILURE! I shall make ALL THINGS GOOD at last. Trust Me and hold My hands! I shall do a NEW THING that will have My signature as God. You shall see it and REJOICE.” The LORD is still speaking “Forget your past. My MERCY is speaking for you. Expect the best My MERCY will cause MY PLANS to manifest in Your season and turn your worse days to the the best days of your life! I shall WIPE YOUR TEARS and cause a NEW SEASON of JOY to come forth.

Look to me! Look to me! Look to me!” Ah! Lift up your hands! Worship Him! THE VICTORIOUS CHILDREN CHURCH” PROJECT FOR THE CHILDREN MOUNTAIN WORSHIP HALL PLEASESOW INTO: “SPECIAL PROJECT ACCOUNT (SPA) BANK: UBA ACCOUNT: 102 4044 3970 any account on page 29 of THIS B0OKLET and send email to orderodm@gmail.com or whatsapP+234903 264 8292. I shall send you, UNSTOPPABLE CHILDREN PRAYERS which include “THERE SHALL BETHE CRY OF CHILDREN IN MY HOUSE” or SURPRISING MARITAL CONNECTION PRAYERS” Jesus is LORD!

Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: What a friend we have…  – Click here
1. Pray about the two PROPIETIC WORDS ABOVE now.
2. GOODNESS, MERCY, UNFAILING LOVE, go with me and work for me today. Make the remaining days ot his year to be full of
GOODNESS and MERCY! Always CHECK THIS: New Month September Prayer Points

  1. LORD, qualify me for greater glory; move me to the place of greatness that you have destined for me. Pray about today! Our Daily Manna 6 September 2021 ODM 6th – TOPIC: GOODNESS AND MERCY

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Nonye Nnani
Nonye Nnani
3 years ago

Powerful! You have become an eternal blessing to many of us. God reward you sir and continue to bless,and use more in Jesus name amen!

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