Our Daily Manna 6th April 202

Our Daily Manna 6th April 2021



God is not deaf and He is not dead! He hears and answers prayers. His eyes are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers. Not even the deadly COV1D-19 virus, can stop our OPEN REWARD testimony in 2021. Share with me this testimony and be encouraged: “Dear Bishop Chris, I am a medical doctor. Indeed, I serve a God that maketh the impossible possible. Seven days before the end of the annual 21-day fasting program, I tested positive for Covid-19 which I contracted from a patient who had died in the course of treatment and was permitted from work to be quarantined.

Our Daily Manna 6th April 202
Our Daily Manna 6th April 202

Our Daily Manna 6th April 202

During the guarantine period, I continued the fast and prayed and trusted God reminding Him of His Word. I asked him for a testimony that looked like a lie but was yet TRUE and to allow me to testify OPENLY. Prior to the commencement of the fast, I had ordered ODM from a neighbouring state as I couldn’t find ODM in the state where stayed. I then connected to the last-day WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE! During that awesome service, I spoke and claimed the words that Bishop spoke about a COVID CASE. To God be the glory, I believed and keyed into it. To the glory of God, I was tested and my result came out negative!

Indeed my Lifeguard walks on water, the Keeper of Israel would never sleep nor slumber and trust Him to fulfill all His promises concerning me, my family, friends and this great vision of ODM. Please hide my details Sir. Corona Virus is deadly but the LORD who delivered this medical doctor will also deliver you from ALL EVIL! Yes! In 2021, you are UNSTOPPABLE! “Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out” (Deut 28: 6). Psalm 121: 8 says: “The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore” That shall be your story! THE BLOOD OF JESUS and the GRACE on this vision shall be your COVER daily in Jesus name! Pray seriously now!

ODM ON THEIR BEHALF: Give out ODM copies (a carton Or 3 copies each on BEHALF OF EACH OFYOURCHILDREN/
LOVED ONES) and I shall respond with a voice note prayer session or 33 prophetic prayers of: THEY CANNOT
BE HURT! WhatsApp +234 903 264 8292.

PRAYER POINTS Take Song 2: Draw me nearer…

  1. In your own words, pray over today’s word as you have been ministered unto right now.
  2. I am UNSTOPPABLE! Father, step into my situation and do the impossible. I fear no evil as I go out today/daily!

  3. Every plot of the devil to cancel my prayers and waste praise, scatter by fire. The Blood of Jesus Christ is a BANNER COVER over my family and I in Jesus name.

  4. Pray seriously now about any issue(s) affecting you.
  5. Pray about this new quarter now!

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