Our Daily Manna 8 January 2025
Share with me this power-packed testimony: “Dear Bishop Chris, I applied for an admission to a creative Academy in Lagos, Nigeria, based on scholarship, sponsored by Lagos State, Nigeria! I didn’t get it. After a while, they suddenly reopened admissions again, stating that they had room for only 50 people in the whole country. Despite that discouraging fact, I applied late and I got it. Normally they would have called for an interview before granting the admission, but they didn’t. I got the admission straight away! No interview, no stress, nothing. I was one of the 50 people they selected in the entire country; that was online part-time! Then I applied again, and continued to pray my AGREEMENT PRAYERS ON “THE WAR AGAINST HAMAN” BOOKLET. I wrote this prayer point in the PICTURE OF THE PALM there, which I placed my hands on when praying. To the glory of God, the admission was granted full time because what God cannot do cannot be done! (amarachukwuejeh@gmail.com) Indeed as we say in the ODM FAMILY, WHAT GOD CANNOT DO CANNOT BE DONE! Catch what the testifier wrote again: “I got the admission straight away!” THAT WAS SPEED-INACTION! SPEED IS COMING YOUR WAY THIS YEAR AND DELAY SHALL BE BROKEN FOREVER! Protocol will be broken for your sake… (To be continued tomorrow… Get that booklet and give copies out.
Let me know via orderodm@gmail.com and you will JUMP OVER EVERY RED SEA as I send you special prayers on: “PRAYERS THAT ACCELERATE YOUR SPEED IN LIFE”).
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE PRAYERS” – Today 6:30am (Nigerian time) via Facebook & Youtube.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: When the roll is called…
- In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now!
- Jehovah, “JUMP PROTOCOL”; take me from the
crowd this year in Jesus name. - Jehovah, “THE SPEED MANUFACTURER”; acceler
ate my life, family and ministry for good this year in Jesus name. - Jehovah, THE RULE CHANGER, He that approves
without interview; SETTLE ME IN 2025 and divide ev
ery RED SEA in Jesus name (Pray it 21 times today). - LORD, I agree with You through the AGREEMENT PAGE
OF “WAR AGAINST HAMAN – 20” always this year;
demote every RED SEA and change my story in Jesus name. - Pray about today now! See pages 7-9 of this booklet
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