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Our Daily Manna Devotional 12 November 2018 – YOUR VALUE IS ENHANCED BY ADVERSITY -2

Our Daily Manna Devotional 12 November 2018


Basic Scripture: Isaiah 41: 10-18

Yesterday, heaven revealed that the value of steel is enhanced by the rough process of its manufacture. Three hundred years ago, a prisoner condemned to the Tower of London carved on the wall of his cell this sentiment to keep up his spirits during his long imprisonment: “It is not adversity that kills, but impatience with which we bear adversity.” No wonder Williams Arthur Ward scripted: “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” Read here – ODM Daily 11 Nov. 2018 – “THE STEEL BAR: YOUR VALUE IS ENHANCED BY ADVERSITY -1

Our Daily Manna Devotional 12 November 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 12 November 2018

So true! As 2018 ends, listen to Joyce Meyer: “The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!” Isaiah 41: 15 says: “I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp.” Thank God for that wonderful promise! The King James Version says: “Behold, I will make thee a new, sharp threshing instrument having teeth…” Yes, the process of God making you sharper in life is by polishing you through allowed afflictions – (Psalm 34: 19). The process of God making you to have teeth (you become a dangerous weapon to principalities), is through pain.

As 2018 ends, why are you getting discouraged? After this problem is over and after you have grown teeth, you value in life will be multiplied (enhanced). Yes, your testimony will be such that will shock the world. Never forget that: The tree planted where the fierce winds twist its branches and bends its trunk often nearly to the point of breaking, is commonly more firmly rooted than a tree growing in a scheduled valley where storms never brings any stress or strain!

The same is true of human life! The strongest and greatest character is growing through hardship! Fire is the test of gold, why adversity is the test of strong men! Through all circumstances, God will increase your value and you shall be relevant wherever you are! Indeed, your star will shine like never before and your path shall drop forth sweetness, milk and honey! Trust God the more!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 12 November 2018

(Sow the 2019 ODM into other lives as Christmas/New Year gift)! MY BIRTHDAY IS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15TH. Your Eleventh-Hour Miracle is my birthday gift! Don’t miss the next anointing service!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led. ODM Hymn Songs
1. Pray about today’s message as led.

2. Ask for the grace to stand in the time of trials.
3. As 2018 ends, I terminate every terminator concerning my destiny in Jesus name (Prayer it seriously). Our Daily Manna Prayer Points

4. Concerning my destiny, I speak to the evil headquarters of evil programmers and paralyze their altars now in Jesus name (Pray it seriously for 3 days).

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago


Omosigho Evelyn Diamond.
Omosigho Evelyn Diamond.
6 years ago

God is a faithful God!!! HE is ever dependable… Thank You Lord!!! Thank you Dr. Chris. He is always timely in my situations!!! What An All Knowing GOD!!!

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