Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019
Basic Scripture: Genesis 45: 1-16
Note today Basic’s Scripture Verse 13: “And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen…” There was a season in the life of Joseph where he groaned and grinded in prison. There was a season in his life when all he saw was labeled: “RIDICULE.”

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019
There was a season when all that people saw was SHAME! There was a season when all that “glowed” around Joseph was PAIN. Indeed, there was a season when all that was visible around Joseph was DELAY But the good news is that there was also a season when God removed the GROANING, THE RIDICULE, THE SHAME, THE PAIN, THE DELAY AND STAMPED ON HIM THE 5-LETTER WORD: “GLORY”
As I write in this warm garden tonight, God wants me to let you know that as thousands pray in today’s worldwide vigil -12 am-1 am and after today, there is coming upon you, a new wave of STORY to GLORY relocation! Just as Joseph’s glory became visible, men shall also see your glory this year! There is a woman whose glory will be resurrected by fire tonight! There is a man who has been a laughing stock in the past; the Lord says your glory will be released from captivity tonight! Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019 – WORLD VIGIL DAY LORD, MY GLORY MUST SHINE FORTH!
Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019
You will not be an embarrassment to your family again. There is a family that has been having pregnancy miscarriages; the LORD says, that NONSENSE must end tonight! For an ODM user: In 5 days time from today, you will receive a call that will change your story forever! Oh, there is so much power here right now! Lift up your hands now and shout: “STORY TO GLORY!”
Put your hands on your head and declare right now: “My glory shall come forth and shine forth! My glory cannot be hidden anymore! People shall see my glory! People shall talk about my glory from today and from this season! By the anointing of the Holy Ghost, thou God of Joseph, let my glory be seen again.” Pray now and pray at 12am later tonight!
Tomorrow is the UK Tele- Conference ANOINTING SERVICE! Call: +443309981254. ACCESS CODE: 809720#. Time is Sam UK time. Bishop Dr Chris will be on the line to MINISTER! Other nations can call in.
1. Thou God of Joseph, let my glory be seen again!
2 The time of my glory has come. O Lord, shake away every satanic covering that is hiding my glory in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019 – WORLD VIGIL DAY LORD, MY GLORY MUST SHINE FORTH!
3. Ask God specifically: “Lord, let my glory shine forth! Give me a miracle on the following issue(s) tonight (Mention them). Let shame pass over me now” (Pray ft very well).
4. Pray the NEW 2019 morning, afternoon and evening devotional prayers on page 7. See PASTORAL SECRETS – page 88! Also see SUCCESS SECRETS of great Business Gurus – page 89! Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2019 – WORLD VIGIL DAY LORD, MY GLORY MUST SHINE FORTH!
5. Pray any other prayer(s) as necessary and as led.
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My Glory shall shine forth