Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018: ABISHAI WAS WRONG! KNOW HIS TIMETABLE!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018



It took most of us ample time before we realized that God doesn’t work on our timetables. After being anointed king of Israel, instead of immediately going to Jerusalem and claiming his throne, David was forced to spend years living like a fugitive and hiding in the cave because Saul was out to take his life.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018

More than once, he must have asked himself, “What about the promise God gave me?” Then an interesting thing happened: One of David’s soldiers found Saul asleep near a cave where David was hiding; he came to David saying, “God has delivered your enemy into your hand…let me strike him” [1 Samuel 26:8]. That was an opportunity to get rid of the man who wanted to kill him. That was an opportunity for David to come out of hiding and claim his throne. After all, he was already appointed and anointed to be king!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018

It all made sense, except for one thing- it wasn’t God’s plan and His timing! What a God! And what an uncommon man DAVID was! As much as David wanted to rule Israel, he knew that in order to succeed, he had to do it God’s way. This story should make you think twice and pray before acting. When Abishai offered to kill Saul, he had David’s welfare at heart. So be careful; your friends can give you advice contrary to God’s will. ALWAYS WAIT TILL GOD SPEAKS! Never allow anyone, however well intentioned, to persuade you to do what you know is wrong or what you are NOT SURE OF!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018

If we actually trust God enough that His plans for us are of good and not evil, then we would not do anything contrary to His will, and will gladly follow in His steps as He leads us. Wait for His timing! Seek His timetable in all things!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 5: When the morning comes…
1. Pray and thank God about today’s word as you are led. Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018
2. Lord, keep me at the center of Your will for my life, family and ministry!
3. I refuse to RUSH or HURRY! I choose to wait upon God concerning the following issues of my destiny (Mention them now)

4. I come against all forms of confusion in Jesus name! I tune my spirit to the leading of the Holy Ghost (pray in the Spirit seriously now). Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018
5. Pray for all students seeking admission into higher institutions.
6. Pray about today now. Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 April 2018


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