Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017


Tennessee man who faked his suicide years ago to avoid fraud and burglary charges was later found to be alive and well in California, U.S.A, by a law enforcement official, Mr. Blue! Mark Paisley, now 34, left a suicide note in her car parked in the Delaware River near Philadelphia after being sought for credit card fraud in Pennsylvania and burglary in Tennessee. Because nobody was ever found, Mr. Blues who worked for the US Marshals Service Fugitive Task force said he has always suspected the Paisley had not killed himself. As a result, he made periodic checks on the case over the last few years and found that Paisley’s brother, Joseph, was living in the Tennessee.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017


Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017

After suspecting that Joseph was the fugitive, Blue discovered Joseph Paisley living in San Francisco. The man turned out to be Mark Paisley using his brother’s names. He was promptly arrested! Heaven is strongly speaking to someone using today’s devotional that no matter what it takes, your sins (hidden or secret) will found you out but it will b so better later! It is a secret now, but someday, dead or alive, it will be made public! Our daily manna 2017 download

Are you not reading of Mr. Paisley whom you have never met? May your life not be used by heaven as a sorry example for your generation! You can still clean up; quit that secret sin/bad habit before it re-writes your history! It was Phil Knight who said: “It’s all right to be Goliath, but always act like David.” Have a right standing/clear conscience before God and man and only then can Goliath (the world and your enemies) be delivered into your hands! Never forget also that sheep will always bleat and the oxen will always low, no matter how hard you try to hide them(Vs 14 of today’s scripture). our daily manna bible verses

Our Daily Manna Prayer Points

The pen of Arthur Wellington must grip you for good today! He wrote: “Wise people learn when they can: fools learn when they must.” As 2017 runs to an end , refuse to be a fool! Drop that sin, learn now or lament later! Avoid Mr. Paisley’s disgrace! Avoid Mr. Saul’s Waterloo! Pray now! Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.
1. Pray about the Word and repent form any bad habit or secret sin.
2. Lord, deliver me from public shame and misery because of this sin (mention it again now)! Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 December 2017
3. Satan, as 2017 runs to an end, carry your load (mention that habit and sin now) and loose me forever in Jesus name.
4. Any power using sin to plan my disgrace, receive frustration now in Jesus name. Pray about your life and ministry’s progress seriously today!
5. Pray about today and any other issue(s) affecting your peace! Also Read ODM daily 15 december 2017 


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