Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 March 2018 TOPIC: LAUGH ON CREDIT

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 March 2018


GENESIS 21: 1-8

Proverb 17:22says, “a merry heart doerth good like a medicine.” The world is full of anxiety and prophet Job once said, “Men is of few days (compare to eternity) and full of troubles” Job 14:1, The lord Jesus was blunt as usual: he said, “In the world you shall face tribulations (troubles and trails), but be of good cheer….’John 16: 33. DON’T MISS Our Daily Manna Daily Reading 21 March 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 March 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 March 2018

David was as mild as soda soap in psalm 34:19. “ Many are the affliction of the righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all.” So when God decided to give Abraham a son, He called the boy “Isaac ‘meaning laughter. From today’s two texts the family had probably gone through a period of ridicule, while waiting for the promise of god to be fulfill! It took 25 years, but the kept a merry heart. No matter what you are going through rejoice or pretend to rejoice if need be, but don’t die young through tears and anxiety, which can provoke deadly diseases!

Our Daily Manna Daily Reading 2018

Henri Bergson Opined: “Laughter is the corrective forces which prevent us from becoming cranks.” In this year 2018, why kill yourself with stress and worry? Learn to laugh and rejoice and give thanks in all things and refuse to be depressed! Hear William Ward: “to make mistake is human; stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at your self is maturity.” Then never forget Chaplin Charlie: “To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” I love those words: PLAY WITH YOUR PAIN! Our Daily Manna pdf download

Laughter is involved in playing! That what Abraham and Sarah did! Play with that pain in your DELAY, disappointments or battles! Indeed, I see laughter as an organism triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense! When you cannot make sense of certain events, JUST LAUGH! Even if there is nothing to laugh about, just laugh on credit! Yes, LAUGH ON CREDIT! Laugh in advance! A good laugh heals a lot of hurt! It is sunshine in the house!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 22 March 2018

Oh, hear the ever smiling Robert Fulghum: “I believed that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history! That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hopes always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believed that love is stronger than death.” Refuse to allow satanic arrow of depression or self pity this year! Laugh at the devil daily and laugh at your way your decoration/ success and good health this year! Laugh NOW and then pray the prayers below!

THE BATTLE AXE INT’L MINISTERS CONFERENCE OF 2018 BEGINS TOMORROW FRIDAY MARCH 23RD TILL SUNDAY 25TH CALL +234802341513 +2348023232214, +2348178034303 or E-mail: orderodm@gmail. Com for hotel plans and other inquiries: ALWAYS PRAY: ODM Daily Prayer Points 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 5: when the roll….
1. Lord, rains divine coals of fire upon the heads of the enemies that want block my laughter this year.
2. Holy Ghost, put laughter in my mouth this year!

ASSIGNMENT: Read the word and laugh daily. Deliberately ‘kill stresses daily. Laugh on credit! Laugh at the devil now!!!


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