Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 December 2017


Basic Scriptures: Matthew 12;43-45; Psalm 42: 1-11

My beloved country Nigeria is a producer of oil and a leading OPEC member. Yet, Nigeria is still an IMPORTER of the oil which we have in abundance. What a paradox! Import in Nigeria averaged 1, 642,66.67 Million(about $834 Million) form 1981 unit 2015, reaching an all time high of 1554732.90 NGN Million ($7.9 Billion )in march of 2011 and a record low of 167.88 NGN Million ($0.85 Million) in May of 1984. Imports in Nigeria are reported by the national Bureau of statistics, Nigeria. Also read our daily manna 22 december 2017


Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 December 2017


Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 December


But do you know that likewise, the oil river in most believers today have dried up? They born again, go to church and still IMPORT oil from other believers! They seek direction power from others! They seek power from others! Ah! They seek fresh anointing from others! In summary: THEY ARE DRY! Dryness spiritually is a sign of serious danger! The devil know it and loves to dwell in dry places (Matt. 14:43). He wants to cut off oil supply and shut down your spiritual oil refinery. Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 December 2017

Our Daily Manna 2017

Psalm 68:6 declares that the rebellious also dwell on dry lands. The rebellious (DEMONS) dwell in DRY LANDS! Dry lands mean dry lives! Demons dwell (MANIPULATE) dry lives! But after today’s devotional and in this 4th quarter of 2017, the water springs of God shall gush into every dry region of your life, family and ministry with a fresh package of a new prayer life, prosperity, revival fire and peace in Jesus name! This is your REVIVAL SEASON! But catch this fact: In the spirit world, you cannot borrow or import oil! The 5 foolish virgins forgot this fact! Oil stands for fresh power, daily study of the Word with revelation, pray with zeal and results, etc. Our daily manna prayer points

When this these things are missing, then you are dry and the RESULT IS DEMONIC REBELLION AGAINST YOU! Declare a fast and take back what your busy schedule, job or the devil has stolen. You life and ministry are grounds for demonic activities/manipulation. STOP IMPORTING OIL! Repair your oil refinery (your daily quiet time)! Yes, the secret of fresh oil is your daily time ALONE WITH GOD. Those who keep their daily appointment with God don’t get disappointment from men! A final reminder: The God you relate to, the God you experience! Begin today and make the devil mad! NOTE; If spiritual dryness continues or IF YOU ARE DRY, see your pastor immediately and be at the Manna Mountain tomorrow for power-packed Christmas service for FRESH OIL. Come with 5 prayer points. Pastors have special attention. YOU SHALL NOT IMPORT OIL AGAIN! Start preparing for fresh power to end well!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. The devil shall not find rest in your life. I shall not experience the portion of the five foolish virgins in Jesus name.
3. Holy Ghost, shake away dryness! Holy fire of revival, fall afresh on me in Jesus name (pray it seriously). odm bible verses
4. Declare with boldness Psalm 92:10 (as many times as led).


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