Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 December 2017



Basic Scripture: Luke 2:25-38

What could have made the legendary Nelson Mandela to shed tears in Zurich when the former FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, handed him the replica of the World Cup moment after South Africa was granted the hosting rights of the 2010 edition of the global soccer fiesta? These were the questions in the mind of millions who watched the live event on TV years ago, when Mandela was alive. Soccer commentators all agreed that there was tears of emotion because, to be alive to see the country he had sacrifices so much for (he spent 27years in prison), being confirmed to host the world, meant that his patience, suffering, and waiting were not vain. 40 years earlier before that event, Mandela saw with his eyes of courage, a South Africa apartheid and admired by the world. I guess when he lifted that cup; he quickly remembered his painful years in prison and was glad it was not in vain.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 December


Heaven is seeding a prophet word right now to a user of this devotion: “Your years of waiting shall not be in vain: for where you shed tears of anguish, form this day, you shed tears of joy. For your years of delay, you will dance! For your past losses, you shall see great restoration; for your past shame, double honour and divine fame shall overtake you. This will be perfected by the Hand of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the glory shall he take.” Amen! our daily manna prayer points

Lift up your hands now and start praising God for what he about to do in your life, family and ministry. Like Mandela before he died, no matter how long it takes, you will alive to see your desire come true! Oh, he lived to behold his dreams manifest! That shall be your story! The God of Simeon and Anna will do it again for your life (Vs. 25 of today’s scripture). Check with Ella Wheeler: “Work on with patience and in all your toil be slow, yet day by day, the edifice will grow.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 December 2017

Believe in God; in thine own self believe. All that thou has hoped for thou shallt achieve.” Amen and Amen and Amen! our daily manna for today

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of as led.
1. O Lord, deliver me from the curse of working for others to eat. All ODM users should pray against premature death seriously today!
2. Lord God, let my eyes BEHOLD Your glory and goodness in the land of thee living!
3. Father, I decree and proclaim: My glory shall not be transferred to another. I shall not labour in vain.
4. Pray in the morning, afternoon and evening of today’s devotional prayer points. Pray any other prayer(s) now as led.


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